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Call for sites

Before preparing the Main Issues Report (MIR), we opened a ‘Call for Priorities, Issues and Proposals’.

This was an early opportunity to provide views on what should be the priorities of the Plan and which issues should be addressed. 

It is also an opportunity for individuals, communities, developers and landowners to identify sites which they wish to be included as potential development opportunities for housing or other land uses in the new Local Development Plan 2 (LDP2).

The consultation for LDP2 ‘Call for Priorities, Issues and Proposals’ closed on 28 July 2017.

Main issues report, interim environmental report and monitoring statement

The MIR (PDF 67.89Mb) sets out, in land use terms, key areas of change facing East Ayrshire and presents one or more options for their future development. It is designed to engage and consult with the public and others on planning issues in the area. The MIR puts forward preferred and alternative options which can be adopted within the next proposed local development plan.

Responses received to the MIR are used to prepare the proposed Plan, which is the next stage in the preparation of LDP2.

An Interim Environmental Report (Strategic Environmental Assessment) and Monitoring Statement are published alongside the MIR. Detail of these are provided below.

Interim environmental report

The Interim Environmental Report (PDF 2.07Mb) assesses the significant environmental impacts of the MIR issues and options and sets out mitigation measures where appropriate.

Interim equalities impact assessment

We have also prepared an Interim Equalities Impact Assessment of the MIR which can be provided upon request. 

Monitoring statement

Alongside the MIR, we have a Monitoring Statement (PDF 4.83Mb) which summarises the evidence base for Local Development Plan 2.

It focuses on the impact of the Plan on area and population indicators and on how far the objectives and vision of the previous Plan(s) have been realised. The information contained in this Monitoring Statement informed the MIR and the proposed Plan while providing a baseline for future monitoring.

The consultation period for the LDP2 MIR took place from May to July 2020.

Proposed plan

After considering the representations made at the MIR, we produced the proposed LDP2 which puts forward the Council’s settled view on how they plan for East Ayrshire to development. The proposed LDP2 was considered and agreed by Council in line with officer recommendations on 31 March 2022.

Now that LDP2 has been approved by Council, it can go to public consultation.

The proposed LDP2 looks at the whole area and outlines whether or not specific areas are suitable for future development, what types of development they are suitable for, and how this will affect the future environment, infrastructure and economic wellbeing of these areas.

LDP2, which brings together a range of policies and proposals on sustainability, place and environment, economy and employment, transport and Infrastructure and energy and resources, has been produced to comply with the Scottish Government’s Planning legislation and will be used to inform all decisions on planning applications.

Consultation for the proposed plan

Public consultation is the current stage of the local development plan preparation process. A minimum period of six weeks must be provided for people to make representations.

A formal eight week consultation on LDP2 will begin on the 23 May 2022 and continue until 22 July 2022. Representations will not be accepted until the consultation period starts.


Following the consultation on the proposed Plan, the Council may make modifications to LDP2 to take into account representations made, consultation responses or minor drafting and technical matters. Depending on the extent of modifications required, a further consultation period may be required. 

If no outstanding representations remain, then LDP2 will be sent to the Scottish Ministers for approval, and the Local Development Plan adopted by the Council.


If there are outstanding unresolved representations that need to be addressed, the Council will send the proposed LDP2 to the Scottish Ministers for Examination.

The Scottish Ministers will appoint one or more Reporters to examine the proposed Plan. The Local Development Plan Examination will be advertised in local newspapers and those who made representations will be individually informed.

Approval and adoption

Following Examination, the Council must amend the Plan to take account of the findings of the Examination Report, before it can be formally adopted by the Council.

Please refer to our frequently asked questions about LDP for further detail on the process. 

Mailing list

For updates on the emerging LDP2 for East Ayrshire and consultation events, please sign up to Stay Connected for email alerts. You can unsubscribe at any time. 

Contact Information


Planning & Economic Development
Telephone: 01563 576790