All representations received will be analysed and given full consideration. All representations will be acknowledged by us but the points raised will not be individually responded to.
Instead, any unresolved issues relating to representations submitted to the Council will be referred to the Scottish Government’s Directorate for Planning and Environmental Appeals (DPEA).
A Reporter from the DPEA will consider all unresolved issues as part of the Examination of the LDP. The Reporter will make the final recommendations in respect of these the issues. As the Reporter’s recommendations are largely binding, we might be required to modify the proposed LDP where recommendations require changes to be made.
The LDP will finally be submitted to Scottish Ministers to seek formal adoption. There is no automatic opportunity for parties to expand on their representation later in the process, so it is important that you provide your full case and evidence at this stage, as this will then form part of the material available to the reporter at any subsequent Examination.