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Local development plan

Frequently asked questions about the Local Development Plan are listed below:

What is the proposed East Ayrshire Local Development Plan (LDP)?

The proposed LDP is our settled view on where development should and should not take place and sets out the preferred policy framework on all planning matters including housing, industry and business and minerals.

It is the second formal stage in the local development plan process providing further opportunity for members of the public to comment on the LDP.

Can the proposed LDP be used to assess planning applications and when will the Council start using the Plan?

The level of weight afforded to the LDP is not significant at this stage.

The East Ayrshire LDP (2017) is the current adopted LDP and will remain so until it is superseded by the adoption of the new LDP (anticipated 2023). Until it is superseded, the adopted LDP (2017) is the primary document against which planning applications will be determined.

We will therefore start using the new Plan in part once the parameters of the examination are known and in its entirety when it is adopted.

How long is the LDP in place?

The LDP sets out a 10 to 20 year vision for East Ayrshire and has a lifespan of five years when it is reviewed and eventually superseded by a new LDP.

Do the sites proposed for allocation within the proposed LDP relate to current planning applications?

No. However, where there are sites already allocated in the LDP for a specific use, there might be current planning applications approved or pending consideration associated with such a site.

Why have I received a neighbour notification letter?

The planning authority must notify the owners, lessees or occupiers of sites which the Proposed Plan specifically proposes to be developed and which would have a significant effect on the use and amenity of the site.

It must also notify the owners, lessees or occupiers of land neighbouring (ie within 20 metres of) sites which the Proposed Plan specifically proposes to be developed and which would have a significant effect on the use and amenity of the neighbouring land.

Notification is only required where there are premises on the site or neighbouring land.

Local development plan consultation

Frequently asked questions about the Local Development Plan consultation are listed below:

How long will the consultation last?

The consultation will be open from Monday 23 May until Friday 22 July 2022.

How do I make a representation?

You can make a representation by completing the online representation form, however if you cannot access this you can email us for assistance at or telephone 01563 576790.

What happens to my representation once submitted, and will I get another opportunity to comment on the content of the Plan?

All representations received will be analysed and given full consideration. All representations will be acknowledged by us but the points raised will not be individually responded to.

Instead, any unresolved issues relating to representations submitted to the Council will be referred to the Scottish Government’s Directorate for Planning and Environmental Appeals (DPEA).

A Reporter from the DPEA will consider all unresolved issues as part of the Examination of the LDP. The Reporter will make the final recommendations in respect of these the issues. As the Reporter’s recommendations are largely binding, we might be required to modify the proposed LDP where recommendations require changes to be made.

The LDP will finally be submitted to Scottish Ministers to seek formal adoption. There is no automatic opportunity for parties to expand on their representation later in the process, so it is important that you provide your full case and evidence at this stage, as this will then form part of the material available to the reporter at any subsequent Examination.  

How long will the Examination of the LDP take to conclude?

The DPEA advise that it can take from around six to nine months to conclude the Examination of a LDP.

How long it takes will be influenced by a range of factors, including:

  • the number of unresolved issues submitted
  • the complexity of these issues
  • the need for Reporters to take into consideration changes to the planning system in Scotland, in particular the emerging National Planning Framework 4

Can I put forward a site for inclusion?

The proposed LDP is the Council’s settled view on all planning matters. We have previously provided a number of opportunities (Call for Priorities, Issues and Proposals and Main Issues Report consultation stages) for interested parties to submit sites for consideration and inclusion in LDP2.

However, interested parties can submit a representation to the proposed LDP which will be considered. This could include a site for consideration.

Any unresolved issues will be considered at Examination stage.

I put forward a site and it is not in the proposed Plan – what do I do?

All sites submitted through previous consultation stages for consideration and inclusion in the proposed LDP have been the subject of a robust assessment, including an assessment of significant environmental impacts as part of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) process.

Background information on the assessment process is set out in a background paper. If you are still not satisfied with what has been included in the Plan then please submit a representation.

Can you help me make a representation?

No, we cannot help you prepare a representation. However we can assist with any enquiries you might have in relation to the proposed LDP itself or the representation form.

We are a community group and would like to meet with you, how do we arrange this?

Please contact the development and regeneration team either by emailing or telephone 01563 576790.

Will there be any in-person events where I can speak to someone?

We are hoping to hold in-person events which will be on a much smaller scale. Those interested in meeting with officers will be able to book a 15 minute slot to discuss any matters they wish to raise about the proposed LDP.

If it is not possible to hold in-person events they will be made available online. All information will be available on our website.

What will you do with my details?

We will hold your details only for purposes relating to the proposed LDP.  Any representations will be held for the purposes of the LDP process.

 Is my representation confidential?

We will publish information relating to any representations submitted. For example, the names of representees will be included in future committee reports which relate to:

  • representations
  • responses to representations
  • examination of the plan

The names of representees will be set out in Schedule 4 forms which set out unresolved issues for Examination purposes.

If you have any concerns then please contact the local development plan team by emailing or telephone 01563 576790.

What other documents are issued alongside the LDP?

There are a number of associated documents published alongside the LDP including the:

  • action programme
  • environmental report
  • supplementary guidance and background papers

All documents are available to view on our Local Development Plan 2 page.

What weight does supplementary guidance have?

Once adopted, Supplementary Guidance are statutory documents. Statutory Supplementary Guidance forms part of a LDP therefore carrying the same weight.

How do I sign up for updates?

If you would like to be included on the LDP consultee list then please contact the development and regeneration team by emailing or telephone 01563 576790.

What topics are covered in the Plan?

The Plan covers all planning matters including:

  • minerals
  • energy
  • housing
  • industry and business
  • design and retail

How can I find out what the Plan says about the village where I live?

The Plan applies to all of East Ayrshire, in terms of its vision, aims and policy framework which are all contained in Volume 1 of the Plan.

The Plan’s spatial strategy sets out a number of spatial priorities throughout East Ayrshire and Volume 2 of the Plan contains a series of maps and site information for each East Ayrshire settlement and the rural area.

Why do we need a Plan?

Local Development Plans are a statutory requirement and are the starting point for guiding decisions about individual development proposals. The Plans are used in the determination of planning applications.

What happens if we don’t produce a Plan?

Without an up-to-date Local Development Plan, East Ayrshire could be subject to speculative development proposals. These proposals may result in unsustainable, unplanned, piecemeal development across the area without the required supporting infrastructure.

A lot of growth is proposed – why do we need growth?

The Scottish Government has made it clear through National Planning Policy that they are committed to securing economic growth, and the planning system is central to delivering this growth.

Therefore, we must set out strategic priorities that will deliver sustainable development, making provisions for housing, jobs, retail, leisure and other commercial development supported by the required infrastructure.

What are the aims of the Plan?

The aims of the Plan are set out in Chapter 2 and underpin and relate directly to the Vision of the Plan.

The aims focus on a range of matters covered in the Plan including:

  • climate change
  • population
  • economy
  • historic environment
  • tourism

How will the Plan meet the needs of local people?

The Plan sets out a vision, a number of aims and priorities through its Spatial Strategy to meet local needs, for example, how we will seek to stimulate economic growth and achieve population growth.

In addition, the Plan sets out a suite of policies on all planning matters to address the needs of local people. This includes policies which address matters such as:

  • affordable housing
  • promoting sustainable transport
  • design in new development
  • green and blue infrastructure
  • protecting safeguarded open space

Why do we need to build so many houses?

The Scottish Government identifies the process that must be followed in setting Local Development Plan housing targets, and has indicated through the Draft National Planning Framework 4 how many houses are required, as a minimum, in East Ayrshire.

The proposed levels of housing needs are based on a range of factors including:

  • population
  • household projections
  • future job growth
  • our economic aspirations as a Council


Contact Information


Planning & Economic Development
Telephone: 01563 576790