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The promotion of development is guided by key strategies.

Our Development Management team advises on the need for planning and other permissions. We also ensure compliance with both local and national policy and deal with enforcement issues. 

We prepare recommendations on proposed developments for Council committees. Where there is no committee involvement, we assist the Head of Planning and Economic Development to exercise powers delegated to him.

Development planning and regeneration

Development Planning and Regeneration is responsible for producing the Development Plan for East Ayrshire, ensuring that all new development is located in appropriate surroundings and is sensitive to the local environment. 

We also instigate, coordinate and implement regeneration, heritage and townscape improvement projects throughout East Ayrshire. Our work improves the character and appearance of the area, creating a better living and working environment for local residents and visitors alike.


Contact Information

Planning and Building Standards
Opera House
8 John Finnie Street
Telephone: 01563 576790