Licensees have to adhere to strict licence conditions issued by the licensing authority, and pay an annual fee for the issue of a licence.
Storage certificate and licence fees
Fees payable in respect of applications for the granting of storage certificates and petrol licences under the Petroleum (Consolidation) Regulations 2014
Regulation 6
Storage certificate, where premises to be used to store petrol of a quantity:
- not exceeding 2,500 litres - £48 for each year of certificate
- exceeding 2,500 litres but not exceeding 50,000 litres - £65 for each year of certificate
- exceeding 50,000 litres - £137 for each year of certificate
Regulation 14
Licence to keep petrol of a quantity:
- not exceeding 2,500 litres - £48 or each year of licence
- exceeding 2,500 litres but not exceeding 50,000 litres - £65 for each year of licence
- exceeding 50,000 litres - £137 for each year of licence
There are currently 28 licensed sites in East Ayrshire ranging from small rural sites to large supermarket filling stations. All sites are regularly visited and inspected and risk assessment procedures are carried out in accordance with health and safety guidelines.
If you require further information please contact us.