The premises licence is a single form of licence for premises that sell alcohol.
A premises licence will have an indefinite duration, however, it may be varied, suspended or revoked where a Board decides to hold a review. Any person, other than an individual under the age of 18, may apply to the Board for a premises licence.
Each premise will require to have a named premises manager, whose details will be given in the premises licence.
Named premises manager
The named premises manager must be a personal licence holder.
A named premises manager cannot be the premises manager for more than one premise at a time. Each premise can have more than one personal licence holder should they wish, but only one can be designated as the premises manager.
The named premises manager will be responsible for:
- the day-to-day operation of the premises
- training and supervising of staff
- ensuring premises are run in accordance with the requirements of the licence
It is important to have one responsible person who will require to be knowledgeable of the law and experienced in the supervision and training of staff and suitably qualified. The designated premises manager will be held responsible by the Licensing Board.
Apply for a licence or renewal
Online via our GLAMIS system
You can also download and print the application form below:
Premises licence application (PDF 186Kb)