Occasional licence
An occasional licence authorises the temporary sale or supply of alcohol which is not authorised by a premises licence.
It may be applied for:
the holder of a premises licence
the holder of a personal licence
a representative of any voluntary organisation
An occasional licence can only last up to a maximum of 14 days.
The holders of a premises licence or a personal licence may make unlimited applications. There are restrictions on the number of applications a voluntary organisation and a Member’s Club can make in any period of 12 months:
not more than four occasional licences of four days or more in duration
not more than 12 occasional licences of less than four days in duration
however, the total number of days on which an occasional licence has effect must not exceed 56 during any 12-month period
In relation to a Member's Club, for any period during which an occasional licence has effect in respect of those premises, the conditions of any premises licence issues in respect of the premises are not to have effect.
Occasional licences advert
The Licensing Board recognises the right of any person to object to an application for an occasional licence.
To allow time to consult with the Police and for objections to be made, applications should be submitted as far in advance of the event as possible and no later than 28 days before the event is due to take place.
Due to the strict deadlines in terms of the new Act, failure to submit the application on time may result in the application not being considered.
Occasional licences advert (PDF 38Kb)
Apply for an occasional licence or renewal
Online via our GLAMIS system
You can also download and print the application form below:
Occasional licence application (PDF 253Kb)
Extended hours licence
Section 68 of the Licensing (Scotland) Act provides that the holder of a premises licence is eligible to apply for extended hours for their premises.
An extension of licensed hours has effect for such period as is specified in the application or such other period as the Board consider appropriate, but in either case the period must not exceed one month.
To allow the Board time to consult the Police and Licensing Standards Officers, applications should be submitted as far in advance of the event as possible and no later than 14 days before the event is due to take place.
Apply for an extended hours licence or renewal
Extended hours licence application (PDF 150Kb)