The Five Minute Box and the Number Box are multi-sensory support programmes developed by Jane Kendall (BA, Dip RSA SpLD) as 1:1 interventions for learners who have difficulties with early level literacy and/or numeracy.
The programmes are designed to reinforce and support early level skills for learners who have been identified with gaps at this level. They enable learners to increase knowledge, strengthen skills and build confidence within literacy/numeracy using early level benchmarks.
The simple, structured assessments should be delivered to identify suitability of the intervention, establish gaps and define a starting point for each learner.
Each session should follow on from the previous one revisiting what was has been covered and is now secure before introducing the next step.
In the short amount of time they have been using it, I can definitely see progress”
Classroom Assistant
“I like when it’s my turn to go with the Number Box, it helps me with counting and knowing my numbers”
P2 learner
Concepts covered
Five minute box
- Say, retrieve and write single sounds
- Say and retrieve short vowels
- Build and write two-letter words
- Build and write CVC words
- Recite, in order, the days of the week and months of the year
- Know address and date of birth
- Read and write Active Literacy Stage one common words
Number box
- Forwards number sequence up to 30, starting from any number
- Backwards number sequence from 20
- Identify, recognise and order numbers from 0-20
- Write numbers 0-20
- Count objects using 1:1 correspondence - each object is counted only once and given a unique number name
- Identify number before/1 less than, after/1 more than and in-between
- Two digit place value
- Subitising - instantly recognising a number of objects in a small group without counting
- Number bonds of 5
- Number bonds of 10
- Doubles to 5+5
- Count in 2s
- Count in 5s
- Count in 10s
How they work
- Regular practice of key literacy or numeracy skills
- Clear and logical progression of skills
- Encourages independent learning
- Regular opportunities for over learning
Using the boxes
- Delivered by classroom assistants
- Used a minimum of 3 x 15 minute sessions a week
- No planning required
- Easy to follow instruction booklets
- Always work from a level that is secure
- Concepts can be introduced as required
- Suggested additional activities
Benefits of the boxes
- Tailored to each learner
- Promotes positive self-esteem
- Natural progression
- No set up time required
- Clear targets
- Record of learner’s progress
- Allows for progress at different rates
An East Ayrshire Support Team (EAST) Classroom Assistant (CA) Coach can deliver coaching and mentoring sessions, in schools, for individual or small groups of CAs on both of these resources.
Each session will run for approximately 90 minutes, covering one box, and will include an introduction to the resource, an explanation of how to deliver the pre- and post-assessment and a guide to the daily sessions.
Further follow-up sessions can be delivered, if requested, to model the assessment and initial daily sessions.
Useful links