All About Me (AAM)
All About Me (AAM) is a communicative tool that allows learners to explore and express their thoughts and feelings using play and the arts.
The child-led sessions empower the child to make sense of where they are and what they need to move forward using the wellbeing indicators:
- Safe
- Healthy
- Active
- Nurtured
- Achieving
- Respected
- Responsible
- Included
Lose your mind and come to your senses”
Frederick Salomon Perls
How AAM works
AAM consists of eight sessions which produces a visual of the child’s voice.
Through a child-led gathering, the team around the child are informed of their thoughts and feelings, enabling them to identify next steps and actions to move forward with the child at the centre. All sessions are carried out on a 1:1 ratio in Altonhill Campus.
Art products serve as an external integrating workspace for internal processes, conflicts and problem-solving”
Darryl Christian
Who it is AAM for
Children should be consistently involved in the decisions which affect their lives. In certain circumstances they are not able to communicate this in a traditional way which leads to the Team Around the Child (TAC) not having a clear vision for moving forward.
AAM further encourages pupil participation in the decision which affect their lives and empowers them to be a part of the planning process by allowing the learner to explore their feelings around themselves, school and family, in a safe space.
AAM support will only be approved at a TAC meeting and where appropriate for the programme to be delivered by trained East Ayrshire Support Team (EAST) staff.
More About Me (MAM)
More About Me (MAM) is a range of communicative techniques and activities to enable our learners to feel valued, listened to and safe in their environment, and equip them with strategies and confidence to share their voice in decisions which affect their lives.
How MAM works
This intervention can be used in schools to support individuals and/or groups of children as a standalone programme or as a supplement to the work an individual has undertaken during AAM.
Some learners prefer this way of communicating their thoughts and feelings that would normally be explored when using the Starting a Conversation Pack around the wellbeing indicators. MAM activities are more engaging and less threatening to many learners, especially those who struggle to communicate verbally.
Who it is MAM for
MAM is for:
- all learners that would benefit from communicating thoughts and feelings in a creative way
- interested staff members that would like to use these creative techniques in class
- parents that may wish to explore some of the activities
- Both interventions have received praise from staff, pupils, parents and other partner agencies
- One school noticed that after AAM, a distressed pupil was settled in class and able to deal with feelings and emotions
- Staff like being able to carry out MAM activities from their toolkit in schools when supporting learners
- The tactile nature of play and art relates to sensation and emotional feeling and allows children to work with their feelings directly
- The use of the child’s language and mode of expression provides the TAC with a commonality that unites them and supports the process of goal setting with the child’s voice at the heart of this
- Staff feel equipped to support children with their most painful and emotional experiences and share this with important adults
Staff development
- Sign up to training events through Gateway to learn more about the interventions
- Work with trained and experience colleagues to learn about implementing some of the activities and techniques
- Receive guidance and advice from EAST colleagues when using MAM activities
Parent and carer links
EAST staff adopt an holistic approach to support. Close links are established with the families and carers of children who take part in AAM/MAM.
Information can be shared with parents and carers and permission sought before learners take part. Parent and carers are normally invited to attend the final session of the programme in the form of a TAC and/or opportunity to hear about the work the learner has produced.
Parents and carers may be invited to provide feedback on impact of the programmes in relation to their child’s health and wellbeing.
Useful links
Beacon House, Therapeutic Services and Trauma Team