An extensive consultation was held on parking proposals last year. We have listened to your views along with those of the wider business community, and as far as possible, we have made a range of modifications to our original proposals. Our revised proposals following consultation include:
- the re-introduction of Saturday charges
- the extension of parking enforcement times until 6pm
- the trial of a ‘free after three’ parking scheme
- a transferable on-street parking ticket
- additional on-street bays
- a residents parking scheme in Kilmarnock
- new off-street parking charges in Cumnock and Stewarton
If approved, it is anticipated that these new initiatives will increase annual parking income by up to £344k, allowing for continued investment in our roads and parking infrastructure.
We fully understand that many residents and businesses will not agree with all of the revised proposals, and that there is not one solution that will suit everyone.
We also know you will appreciate that these are challenging times with budgets becoming ever-tighter and that going forward, we need to make changes to the way we deliver our public services.
Taking into account the challenges around car park occupancy levels, we believe that these revised proposals are appropriate.
Full details can be found in our Frequently Asked Questions.
How to comment
This consultation is now closed.
The 2020/21 budget was set at Council on 5 March 2020.