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Over the past seven years, we have transformed our services while continuing to put people and communities at the heart of everything we do.

With your help, we have continued to deliver the best possible services with and for our communities, whilst delivering necessary budget savings of £55million.

Your Vibrant Voices have helped to shape our transformation as we continue to change to meet the challenges of reducing budgets and increasing demand for our services.

We have maintained a strong focus on community empowerment, and now have 21 published Community Action Plans and 55 Community Asset Transfers approved, where communities are setting their own priorities and running their own facilities.

We are working closely with our partners to deliver the Community Plan priorities to support vulnerable children and young people, tackle social isolation and drive community regeneration.

We have continued to make good progress in delivering our Transformation Strategy with a projected funding gap this year of around £10million.

This continued level of budget reductions mean that the decisions we need to take are becoming more challenging. 

It has never been more important for us to work together to deliver our ambition of a fairer, kinder and more connected East Ayrshire.

This update gives details of our journey so far and sets out a range of budget proposals. Your feedback and comments will help to inform the decision-making process when Elected Members set our budget on 26 February 2020.

We fully recognise that we are in challenging times and that we need to make difficult, well-informed decisions.

How to comment

This consultation is now closed.

The 2020/21 budget was set at Council on 5 March 2020.

Budget proposals

Contact Information

Corporate Support
Council Headquarters
London Road
Telephone: 01563 576075

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