What happens next
Now that the consultation period has ended, we will consider all the representations that are received and decide if it wishes to amend the Plan as a consequence. If no significant changes are proposed, a summary of all unresolved representations will be prepared and submitted to the Scottish Ministers.
Please note that we do not respond to representations individually, but set out our response through the Examination process as required under the legislation.
The Scottish Ministers will then appoint a Reporter to hold an Examination to consider these representations and the Reporter will provide recommendations to the Council on changes that should be made to the Plan. We are largely bound to take on board these recommendations before proceeding to adopt the Plan.
Once adopted, the East Ayrshire Local Development Plan 2 will supersede the East Ayrshire Local Development Plan (2017) and the East Ayrshire Minerals Local Development Plan (2020) to form the Development Plan for East Ayrshire.
It is anticipated that the examination will commence in late 2022 and last around nine months.
East Ayrshire’s future goes to consultation. Have your say!
The future of planning in East Ayrshire has been mapped out and is open for public comment with the launch of our Local Development Plan 2 (LDP2) consultation.
Residents, community groups and local businesses are all being asked to contribute their views on the proposed LDP2 which sets out how East Ayrshire will develop and the future of planning throughout the area.
The proposed plan
We have prepared our proposed LDP2 which was considered and agreed by Council in line with officer recommendations on 31 March 2022.
This is a plan which looks at the whole area and outlines whether or not specific areas are suitable for future development, what types of development they are suitable for, and how this will affect the future environment, infrastructure and economic wellbeing of these areas.
LDP2, which brings together a range of policies and proposals on sustainability, place and environment, economy and employment, transport and Infrastructure and energy and resources, has been produced to comply with the Scottish Government’s Planning legislation and will be used to inform all decisions on planning applications.
The whole process is put to public consultation at key stages of its development. The next stage of the LDP2 creation is public consultation on the proposed Plan and on various pieces of associated guidance.
Proposal documents
The Plan comprises of two separate main documents, alongside an additional map, that will be used to shape development within our district between 2023-2028:
- Volume 1: Vision, aims, spatial strategy and policies (PDF 78.95Mb)
- Volume 2: Settlement maps (site allocations) (PDF 36.87Mb)
- Rural area map (PDF 21.29 Mb)
Supplementary guidance
Alongside the proposed Plan, we are publishing three pieces of supplementary guidance for consultation. When adopted, these will form part of the statutory development plan.
Visit the consultation pages below to comment on the supplementary guidance separately from the overall Plan:
Non statutory guidance
Further guidance is currently being prepared which will support and supplement the Plan. This work will continue to progress.
A complete list of supplementary guidance documents which are programmed to accompany LDP2 can be viewed in Volume 1, Section 9.3, Page 168 of the Plan.
The consultation was open from Monday 23 May 2022 until 4pm on Friday 22 July 2022.
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After the consultation
Following the consultation period, all representations will be acknowledged and analysed. Unresolved representations will be referred to the Scottish Government’s Directorate for Planning and Environmental Appeals for Examination.
Further information on this and the process in general can be found in our frequently asked questions about LDP2.