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We consider applications from local groups or organisations within East Ayrshire who are celebrating anniversaries or important events and are seeking civic recognition and we have agreed arrangements to recognise these.

It has been agreed that the undernoted bandings of anniversaries be recognised and that a uniform formula should apply accordingly:

  • 25th-100th Anniversary - £3.00 per year - Example: 25th Anniversary (£3.00 x 25) = £75.00
  • 125th-175th Anniversary - £3.00 per year up to and including 100th year and £1.50 per year thereafter - Example: 275th Anniversary (£3.00 x 100) + (£1.50 x 175) = £562.50
  • Anniversaries of 300 years or more - £3.00 per year up to and including 100th year and £1.50 per year up to and including 275th year and £1.00 per year thereafter - Example: 400th Anniversary (£3.00 x 100) + (£1.50 x 175) + (£1.00 x 125) = £687.50

It should be noted that each application will be considered on its merits. Thereafter, the scale arrangement would normally apply if the application were to be approved; regard will always be had to the prevailing budgetary position as well as to any exceptional circumstances.

If you would like to apply for civic hospitality please either complete our online civic hospitality request form or contact us.

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