Every year more than one million people are killed in road crashes worldwide. In the UK we perform well in comparison to other European countries although concern remains over vulnerable groups such as young drivers.
National figures
The Department for Transport publishes UK statistics on road accidents. In Scotland, road casualty figures are published annually by the Government. You can view the most recent road casualty figures in the external links section.
East Ayrshire figures
The number of deaths and injuries on East Ayrshire’s roads has continued to drop over the last decade, from 466 deaths and injuries in 2001 to 258 in 2010. We work constantly to reduce these figures and meet challenging new targets set by the UK and Scottish Governments.
In 2000 the Government set a new target for a reduction in the number of casualties in road accidents. The aim is to achieve the following reductions compared with the average for 1994-1998
By 2015
30% reduction in the number of people killed
- 43% reduction in people seriously injured
- 35% reduction in children killed
- 50% reduction in children seriously injured
By 2020
- 40% reduction in the number of people killed
- 55% reduction in people seriously injured
- 50% reduction in children killed
- 65% reduction in children seriously injured
Using the Government’s criteria East Ayrshire's targets are:
| 2015 Target | 2020 target |
People killed |
5 |
4 |
People seriously injured |
32 |
25 |
Children killed |
0 |
0 |
Children seriously injured |
4 |
3 |
A detailed breakdown of East Ayrshire's road safety statistics can be found under the further information section.