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Activity monitoring kits 

Activity Monitoring Kits are in place for an eight week assessment period.

The system is simple. Movement sensors in the home generate a chart of daily living activity, which can be viewed online by family members, professionals. The kit gives an up-to-the-minute picture as a person gets on with their daily life, all without being intrusive or depriving them of their privacy.

Activity monitoring kits do not require broadband, and accessible without the need for video cameras.

Activity monitoring kits could make the difference between a person going into care and being able to stay living in their own home for as long as possible.

Door monitor

Door contact alarms detect when a door is opened and it is presumed the person has left their home.

They are programmable to be active only between certain times to promote freedom during the day but be armed at night. For example active from 8am to 8pm, if the door is opened at 9pm this would send an alert to the community alarm or carer's pager where a response can be triggered.

Alternatively, they can be 'always on' and manually armed and disarmed by a key switch box at the entry of the property.

Bed occupancy sensor

Bed Occupancy Sensors detects the presence of a person's weight on it.

It can be programmed to alert if a person leaves their bed and doesn't return within a set time, indicating they may require help or have fallen. 

Bed Occupancy Sensors can be linked through a community alarm if the person lives alone, or linked through a carer's pager if the responder lives within the same property.

Please note these sensor mats are not suitable for airflow mattresses.

Chair occupancy sensor

Chair Occupancy Sensors operate using the same technology as Bed Occupancy Sensors but are smaller. 

They are commonly used for people that normally reside in either a static chair or wheelchair, and absence from either of these would a cause for concern.

Passive infrared motion sensor

Passive Infrared (PIR) sensors work by emitting an invisible beam that will trigger the connected device when the beam is broken.

They can be used as an alternative to Occupancy Sensors by positioning the sensor down the side of the person's bed and setting up similar rules in the background.

Medication dispenser 

Medication dispensing carousels aid people in maintaining independent medication administration. The device has 28 slots and can be programmed for up to four alerts a day. It is battery operated and completely portable meaning it can move around the home with the client to help remember to take medication.

Simply tip the device upside down to dispense the tablets. If it doesn't detect full movement the alarm will be activated and sound.

This device can be linked through a community alarm so someone is notified if medication is not taken.

Temperature extreme sensor

This alarm will detect extreme temperatures that would result in unhealthy living conditions.

It can be triggered by high temperature's like those caused by leaving an electric cooker on, and also extremely low temperatures if a person isn't using their heating leading to hypothermia risk and potential burst pipes.

This device is linked through the community alarm.

Flood detector

Flood detectors are small, portable sensors that detect increased moisture that would indicate a flood risk.

They are used within a person's bathroom or kitchen to reduce the risk of flooding caused by leaving taps running. The battery operated flood detector can be easily moved during showering or whilst cleaning.

Flood detectors are linked through the community alarm. 

Epilepsy monitoring

There are over 40 different types of Epilepsy seizures making it a complex condition to monitor. The epilepsy seizure monitoring technology we offer has been designed to detect the movements associated with Tonic Colonic seizures only.

Due to the need for an instant response, we would recommend that all epilepsy sensors are connected to a carer's pager for someone that lives in the same house as the person.

The Emfit Mat is placed under a person's mattress and can offer peace of mind to carers that they will be alerted in the event a seizure is detected. The mats can also be used as occupancy sensors and can alert if a person leaves their bed and does not return. The mat is configured individually for each person's own body type and sensitivity of the mat is also completely adjustable which will take some trial and error to get the levels just right.

This product is suitable to be calibrated for everyone, including children, and has no weight limit.

Contact Information

Smart Supports
East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership
9 Balmoral Road
Telephone: 01563 503328
Mobile: 07769 367292