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East Ayrshire Violence Against Women Partnership was formed in 2010 to bring together individuals and organisations who can provide a comprehensive partnership response to violence against women.
The aim is to prevent and end violence against women and girls in line with Equally Safe, Scotland’s strategy on violence against women and girls.
Violence against women strategic plan
The East Ayrshire Violence Against Women and Girls Strategic Plan 2021–2024 (PDF 4.73 MB) identifies key issues and themes surrounding violence against women and outlines the actions that were collectively agreed to tackle them, throughout the years 2021–24.
The plan sets out key national and local context and confirms our partnership’s vision of:
Working together to improve safety, wellbeing and equality for all women and girls in East Ayrshire.
For further information please contact the lead officer for the East Ayrshire Council Violence Against Women Partnership, details below.
Learning and development
East Ayrshire Violence Against Women Partnership provides training on many relevant issues related to violence against women, together with other public protection partners.
For information on forthcoming training opportunities, please contact us to be added to our training mailing list.
Key documents
Reporting and accountability
The East Ayrshire Violence Against Women Partnership is accountable to the Safer Communities Delivery Group, which in turn is accountable to the Community Planning Partnership.
The following groups are accountable to East Ayrshire Violence Against Women Partnership:
- East Ayrshire Violence Against Women Partnership Advisory Group
- Ayrshire MARAC (Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference) Governance Group
- Pan-Ayrshire Leads Planning Group
The East Ayrshire Violence Against Women Partnership reports:
- quarterly to the Chief Officer's Group
- annually to the Governance and Scrutiny Committee

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