Download the following publications and reports from the East Ayrshire Child Protection Committee:
Significant Case Learning Review: Child H - Tuesday 7 December 2021
In October 2018, Child H went missing from the family home in East Ayrshire. When the child was found, there was significant evidence of injury and neglect.
A significant Case Review in respect of Child H was jointly commissioned by East and South Ayrshire Chief Officer’s Groups. The review was led by South Ayrshire’s Independent Chair, Professor Paul Marti CBE.
The Review identified the following findings:
- Drift and delay in permanence planning
- The voice of the child, mother and carers in the decision-making process
- Transition of case ownership between and within authorities
- Organisational and professional frameworks for decision making
Key actions have been monitored and reviewed by the East Ayrshire CPC, which will have oversight of the implementation of the new National Child Protection Guidance. This will provide a further opportunity to refresh and improve child protection practice in East Ayrshire.
Our commitment to safeguarding children and young people through a joined up, child-centred approach, and through strong, effective intra-agency communication remains as strong as ever.
View or download the redacted report at South Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership: Significant Case Review for Child H (PDF 673Kb)