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The National Guidance for Child Protection (PDF 4.1 MB) sets out the following key areas of responsibility for the Child Protection Committee:

  • strategic planning
  • continuous improvement
  • public information
  • communication

To enable the Committee to fulfil these responsibilities, the following is required:

  • ensure there is effective collaboration, communication and co-operation between members of the Child Protection Committee, its Sub Groups and other groups involved in Protecting People
  • to identify opportunities for sharing knowledge, skills and learning across agencies and with other Protection Committees both locally and nationally
  • to ensure member agencies develop, implement, disseminate and regularly review and monitor policies, procedures and guidance, which enhance child protection
  • to ensure effective performance management, quality assurance and self evaluation processes are maintained and given due regard to; maximise learning, improve processes, promote best practice, inform strategic planning and create better outcomes for children
  • to ensure inter-agency and single agency training is relevant, current and fit for purpose, providing child protection training opportunities for all staff who may be able to impact positively on the protection of children
  • to identify the need for Significant Case Reviews, to undertake them, to learn from them and to disseminate learning from them across agencies
  • ensure the work of the Committee is promoted in local media, providing a useful signposting service to benefit children, young people and their families
  • to produce a Business Report and annual report, outlining the Strategic Plan of the Committee, its priorities, performance and budget etc.
  • to ensure Child Protection Committee Plans and priorities are based on analysis and evidence, whilst reflecting local needs and national priorities
  • to actively seek the views and engagement of children, young people and families to inform the work of the Committee in respect of strategy, services, guidance, procedures and publications.

Our plans and reports

Contact Information

Health and Social Care Partnership
The Johnnie Walker Bond
15 Strand Street
Telephone: 01563 554200
Social Work: Ayrshire Urgent Care Service
Note: The Emergency Out Of Hours Social Work Service is available after 5pm until 9am, Monday to Thursday and after 4pm on Friday until 9am on Monday (throughout the weekend). It is also available during public holidays. You will be put through to the Ayrshire Social Work out of Hours Response Service. A qualified Social Worker will assess the circumstances referred.