Supported care is the term used to describe the responsibilities to, and services provided for young people preparing to leave or who have left local authority care. Our duties are set out in the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 and related regulations and guidance.
Where a young person has been looked after and accommodated by the Council, at the time when they are of school leaving age, we have a duty to provide advice, guidance and assistance if their welfare requires it, until they reach 19. After their 19th birthday until they reach 21, we have discretionary powers to assist, if it is assessed that their welfare requires it.
Each young person has an individual plan which addresses their needs with regard to accommodation, education, employment or training, health and wellbeing and their emotional and social support needs. We aim to support young people through to independence in a way that ensures that they can contribute to and feel part of family, neighbourhood and community networks.
We provide advice and support to young people to enable them to obtain their rights and entitlements from a variety of Council services and those provided by other agencies. We work closely with housing and accommodation providers to ensure that young people have accommodation which is safe, affordable and meets their needs.
Work will be undertaken to enable young people to achieve their potential in education, training or employment. Whether from paid employment, training or educational allowances, or indeed from welfare benefit entitlement, young people will be supported to achieve maximised incomes which can enable them to make positive choices about their chosen lifestyle. Young people are also supported to enable them to cope with issues such as loneliness, isolation or low self-esteem.
If you require further information, please use the Family support and Young Person's team using the contact details provided below.