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Kilmarnock's character is shaped by the quality and diversity of its historic buildings and streetscape. Unfortunately, during the past 30 years, changes in the local economy and low levels of investment have led to many of the buildings within the historic core of the town falling into varying levels of underuse and disrepair.

We are working to reverse this by regenerating the town centre and ensuring a viable economic future through investment in the built heritage.

East Ayrshire Council has pursued a range of policies designed to reinvigorate the town centre, with successful applications to Historic Scotland's Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme (CARS) and the Heritage Lottery Fund's Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI).

Over the next 10 years, a substantial programme of conservation and regeneration is taking place, preserving and enhancing the historic character in order to make Kilmarnock a more attractive place to work, live and visit.

Recognising that the historic environment is a finite resource that is sensitive to change, the conservation area management plan identifies the special character of the town's historic core, assesses how it might be vulnerable to change and sets out policies which will guide future development.

Kilmarnock Conservation Area Management Plan

Following consultation, the Conservation Area Management Plan was approved as supplementary planning guidance in November 2007.

Please use the links to view the Kilmarnock Conservation Area Management Plan. 

Appendix 3 of this document is not available on the web due to the large file size, but is available for inspection. Please contact us to arrange to view this document. 

Please use the link to view the consultation document with the issues raised for consideration in the preparation of the Conservation Area Management Plan.

Contact Information

Planning and Building Standards
Opera House
8 John Finnie Street
Telephone: 01563 576790