East Ayrshire Woodlands is a partnership initiative supporting communities and landowners to expand and enhance the woodland habitat network in Ayrshire. We promote sustainable management practices to ensure that native and amenity woodlands deliver a range of social, economic and environmental benefits.
The project was established in 1997 as a co-operative arrangement of six economic development, forestry and conservation organisations. Substantial additional support was provided through the Millennium Forest for Scotland Trust. The project employs eight full-time and one part-time staff.
Our steering group currently consists of representatives from:
Our aims
Our aims are to:
- secure and expand native and amenity woodland cover by providing professional services in relation to:
- woodland design and survey
- land restoration
- preparation of management plans
- applications for funding
- organisation and supervision of contract works
- develop access and recreation opportunities within woodland by constructing and maintaining appropriate paths and tracks, way-marking and publicising of routes and links to wider outdoor access networks
- manage an Intermediate Labour Market programme which provides work experience and vocational training in forestry and related land management skills for long-term unemployed in East Ayrshire
- engage and support local communities in the management of woodlands by undertaking participatory appraisal, assisting in the establishment of community woodland groups, facilitating local networking and organising practical volunteering opportunities
- promote and deliver environmental education linked to woodlands by participating in the Ayrshire Forest Education cluster, designing and installing interpretation panels in woodlands, organising guided walks and practical training events
- manage a willow crop and install willow structures and work with groups and schools to promote traditional woodland skills and practices
- support the activity of individuals and local sub-contractors working with woodland products and in woodlands by enhancing access to tendering opportunities, specifying local hardwood for site signs and furniture, facilitating networking between woodland owners and woodland craft workers, operating a community tree nursery and promoting woodland and countryside crafts at local events
We need your support
We need your help to continue the success of East Ayrshire Woodlands. Your ideas, energy and enthusiasm are necessary to ensure that:
- appropriate sites are selected
- sites are designed for local people
- work is carried out effectively
- long-term management of sites is appropriate for residents
To achieve all of the above, we welcome your involvement. You can get involved by:
- telling us your ideas for woodlands, footpaths and cycleways
- forming or joining a local community woodland group
- volunteering to help with practical work on sites
For more information please contact us.