The Licensing Section will send a copy of the SEV licence application to the following consultees:
- Police Scotland
- Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
- Planning Department
- Building Standards Department
- Environmental Health
- Community Council for the area
- Elected Members for the area
Consultees will require to submit their response within the 28 day consultation period.
The legislation also permits any member of the public to submit an objection or representation to a SEV licence applications.
Objections/representations must:
- be in writing (e-mail is acceptable)
- specify the grounds for objection/representation
- give the name and address of the person making the objection/representation and
- be provided to the local authority by e-mailing or in writing by post to:
The Licensing Section
East Ayrshire Council
Council Headquarters
London Road
Objections/representations must be sent no later than 28 days from the date specified in the Site Notice.
Please note that if posting your objection/representation it should be received at the Licensing Section within the 28 day period.