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We have a dedicated Private Sector Housing Service to deal with issues surrounding the private sector and provide housing advice and assistance to all private sector residents, tenants, and landlords in East Ayrshire.

For information on either your rights and/or responsibilities as a private sector landlord or a private sector tenant, please visit the East Ayrshire Private Rent Hub.

Shelter Scotland

As a private sector tenant you can also find further information at Shelter Scotland: A guide to renting privately in Scotland.

Contact Information

Private Sector Housing Unit direct numbers
Karen Walker, Homeowners Service Manager (Private Sector): 07469 406 300
Dawn Cadwell, Empty Homes Officer: 07785 446 115
Nikki Martin, Empty Homes Officer:  07876 878 867
Elizabeth King, Private Sector Assistant: 07785 445 835
Christine Thomson, Private Sector Assistant: 07785 446 120
Opera House
8 John Finnie Street
Telephone: 01563 554400