Tenant scrutiny is about tenants and other customers of our Housing Service being actively involved in the self-assessment process.
It provides opportunities to independently review how housing services are being delivered, identify what works well and recommend what could be improved.
The aims and role of the Tenant Scrutiny sub-groups within East Ayrshire are:
- to provide a range of opportunities for tenants to engage in tenant scrutiny of housing and related services and give their views on service standards
- to work on behalf of tenants and other customers to ensure that housing and related services are delivered to a high standard and that service users are at the heart of the business
- to independently review and monitor Housing Service delivery and performance
- to highlight positive examples of working practices and report recommendations to the Senior Management Team and Elected Members on how services can be improved
- to monitor and review agreed action plans
- to inform tenants and other customers about what the Tenant Scrutiny sub groups are doing and encourage them to get involved
We work with the East Ayrshire Federation of Tenants and Residents using a variety of information when deciding which area of the service will be subject to Tenant Scrutiny. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
- Annual Return on the Charter (ARC) results
- Satisfaction results
- Complaints, compliments and ongoing feedback
Annual programme of tenant scrutiny in East Ayrshire
Each year, the Council and the East Ayrshire Federation agree a programme of tenant scrutiny. This programme identifies which area of the Housing Service will be looked at by a Tenant Scrutiny sub-group.