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The Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) is a five year rolling plan that sets out the Affordable Housing Supply Programme (AHSP).

The purpose of the SHIP is to guide the allocation of available Scottish Government investment funding to meet the affordable Housing Supply Target, as set out in the Local Housing Strategy (LHS) and its associated priorities and outcomes.

The SHIP reflects the housing policies and outcomes set out in each local authority’s LHS and LHS Outcome Action Plan. It links the strategic priorities identified in the LHS:

  • to the delivery of additional affordable housing
  • reinforces the role of the local authority as Strategic Housing Authority
  • informs Scottish Government investment decisions
  • informs the preparation of a Strategic Local Programme Agreement (SLPA) that sets out the planned programme across the local authority for the year, and
  • where required programme agreements to individual providers setting out their planned programme for the year

We aim to deliver, along with our Registered Social Landlords (RSL) partners, new affordable social rent homes for residents within East Ayrshire.

These ambitious and exciting projects build on the range of new properties that are now home to our tenants.

Five-year programme

Our five-year programme can be viewed within our Strategic Housing Investment Plan (PDF 2.7Mb). This programme is informed by our Housing Asset Management Framework.

This programme will be updated on a yearly basis with the revised  Strategic Housing Investment Plan being presented and approved by Cabinet in late November each year.

We are working closely with our dedicated developer CCG Scotland Ltd to provide homes that are fit for the future and meet the Silver Standard a cross a range of needs to provide communities of interest. 

Building and design

Find out more about building and design specifications.

Housing developments

Find out more about our housing developments below:

Contact Information

Housing Development and Strategy
Opera House
8 John Finnie Street
Telephone: 01563 554400
Mobile: 07717 516965