Over the last few years it has become widely recognised that not all employment and career pathway decisions are as a result of pay alone.
There are a number of other factors which need to be considered that will mean current and future employees will be loyal and motivated to work for an organisation. We’ve already considered the range of employee benefits and how this will influence the attractiveness of a job opportunity and another area is how we invest in the development of our workforce.
People strategy
Our People Strategy is completely interlinked with our Workforce Strategy with our workforce and their development at the heart of our approach.
We must ensure we have effective leadership and the right people, with the right skills in the right place at the right time to achieve the ambitions of our Strategic Plan and Medium Term Financial Strategy for 2022–27.
This will be achieved through the key goals of:
- transform
- empower
- attract and retain
- motivate and engage
To ensure that our workforce meets future needs, we will build capacity and support all employees to deliver through the provision of relevant Organisational Development and learning and development with access to coaching and leadership programmes with a real focus on supporting the wellbeing of our workforce.
One of our four FACE (Flexible, Approachable, Caring and Empowered) qualities and behaviours - empowering leaders who will provide:
- a clear strategic direction
- identify clear roles
- responsibilities and accountabilities
- support employees to feel empowered and take ownership of the services they deliver
Attract and retain
To create a positive and supportive employment culture which values and recognises all of our employees and attracts the best people to come and work in East Ayrshire.
Motivate and engage
To motivate and engage our employees in:
- meaningful work
- providing career opportunities and clear direction
- support of enabling managers
- by working in collaboration with appropriate employee engagement
Employee development actions
To achieve these aims, a range of employee development actions will be included within the Workforce Action Plan and will cover the following:
- develop a culture that empowers, values, appreciates and rewards our people for their contribution
- ensure all employees have the right skills, knowledge and attitude to perform their role now and in the future
- enable people to deliver change and continuous improvement and provide opportunities to undertake meaningful and exciting work
- develop and support career planning opportunities for our employees
- support the provision of best value, competitive services to our customers in delivering our Strategic Plan
- enhance accountability through involvement of a range of stakeholders/partners in workforce planning actions and processes
- review and evaluate our coaching and leadership programmes
- complete a Coaching and Mentoring Framework for all employees to access
- create a Corporate Management Team (CMT) Development Plan and Elected Member Development Plan incorporating workforce planning awareness raising
- review reporting of Essentials Programme and uptake of FACE Time
- scope out and procure a new Virtual Learning Platform
Strategies and plans
Comments and suggestions
Get in touch if you have any comments or suggestions on the Council Strategic Framework and its strategies:
Comments and suggestions