Ayrshire Roads Alliance successfully bid for Spaces for People funding from Sustrans which allows temporary measures to be put in place to make it easier for people who are walking and wheeling to socially distance during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
As part of this funding, we looked at temporary measures to support physical distancing within Kilmarnock Town Centre and to support active travel for essential journeys.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to place a comment on one of our heatmaps or to comment on our proposals on the Spaces for People East Ayrshire website.
We have collated and analysed all your feedback and suggestions and have developed a package of temporary interventions which will be rolled out in 2021.
Projects update
We will provide further updates on this page as these projects are developed and implemented.
Foregate square
Work to pedestrianise Foregate Square, Kilmarnock is now complete, and has been complemented by a scheme funded by the Kilmarnock Town Centre Partnership to refurbish the planters and seating in this area.
The photographs below show the formal zone entry signs, the expanded taxi parking bay and the dedicated parking places for blue badge holders.