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Our performance management framework is designed to ensure and improve the quality of services delivered to our communities, ensuring that resources are used efficiently and effectively to provide value for money.

It is a tool to achieve strategic goals and desired outcomes, fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement, promoting accountability and transparency, and demonstrating progress and results to both internal stakeholders and the public.

National context and statutory duties

The national performance framework directly influences the outcomes within our local performance management framework.

This includes the statutory duty of Best Value, as set out in the Local Government Scotland Act 2003, and the agreed:

Local performance management framework

Our strategic planning framework ensures a seamless flow of priorities and objectives from the highest level down to individual service delivery and is the core of our local performance management arrangements.

Community Plan

East Ayrshire Community Plan (PDF 1.73 MB) is the sovereign and overarching planning document for the East Ayrshire area, providing the strategic policy framework for the delivery of public services by all local partners.

The Community Plan covers the fifteen years from 2015 to 2030.

The Community Plan is implemented through three thematic delivery plans, namely Economy and Skills, Safer Communities and Wellbeing, and the day-to-day work carried out by services across local partners, including East Ayrshire Council.

For further information please visit the East Ayrshire Community Planning website.

Local Outcomes Improvement Plan

Our Local Outcomes Improvement Plan (LOIP) (PDF 2.58 MB) sets out the high level outcomes that we are working in partnership to achieve across our CPP, against which we measure and report our partnership performance.

The LOIP is reviewed and refreshed every three years, to reflect current and emerging priorities.

Performance is overseen by the Community Planning Executive Officers' Group and reported annually in September to the Community Planning Partnership Board, elected members of East Ayrshire Council and to our wider communities.

Five Year Strategic Plan

Our Five Year Strategic Plan sets out the Council's priorities for the communities of East Ayrshire and describes the context in which services will work collaboratively with each other, our communities and our partners to drive forward the actions needed to achieve our shared community planning vision.

The strategic plan is supported by a suite of corporate plans and strategies that provide more detailed guidance and frameworks for specific areas of operation. These include the:

These strategies, along with other key plans such as those relating to Health and Social Care and Children and Young People, provide a comprehensive framework for the Council's activities.

Service Improvement Plans

Service Improvement Plans (SIPs) play a crucial role in translating the Council's strategic priorities into operational action at the service level.

Each service area develops a SIP that outlines specific objectives, performance measures, and improvement actions for a three-year period. SIPs ensure that individual services are directly contributing to the achievement of the Council's overarching goals and priorities.

They are a clear framework for service planning, performance monitoring, and continuous improvement with annual progress updates reported to Committee.

FACE (Flexible, Approachable, Caring, Empowered) reviews

FACE reviews are also an integral part of the Council's performance management system, focusing on the performance and development of individual employees.

Each and every one of our employees contributes to the achievement of our shared community planning vision for East Ayrshire.

Contact Information

Corporate Support
Council Headquarters
London Road
Telephone: 01563 576075