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How to get help in your local community

We’re very aware that our communities may be concerned about the current situation with the cost of living. Many people will be vulnerable at this time - they may feel isolated and lonely and others may require some support and assistance.

East Ayrshire has a great community spirit and our communities will pull together to help families, neighbours and loved ones.

Please get in touch with your local community resilience group who can help with many things, such as delivering food, collecting prescriptions, general errands and more.

Volunteering - how you can help

There are lots of ways for volunteers to help. Volunteering brings enormous benefits and enjoyment, not only to beneficiaries, but to communities, and to volunteers themselves. 

Volunteering is an opportunity to connect with others, make new friends and give something back to the community. It can improve physical and mental health, reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation, support the development of employability and life skills, and empower communities. 

No matter what your interests are or why you want to volunteer, there is an opportunity for everyone.

 If you are interested in volunteering with your local community resilience group or larder, please email who can put you in contact with your local group. 

Setting up a resilience group

In the current situation, we need neighbours and community members to look out for each other. You can set up your group in whatever way works for you but we would recommend setting up a social media platform such as Facebook or WhatsApp, to enable you to communicate with volunteers.

We would also recommend that you consider an additional way to communicate with those who may not have access to the internet – ideally by providing a phone number.

Other ways you can help:

  • Create leaflets and flyers to let people know about the group
  • Check up on neighbours
  • Drop off food parcels and other supplies such as medicine from the pharmacy
  • Provide a friendly ear and some emotional support to community members who are self-isolating
  • Provide reassurance to the local community
  • Provide correct and accurate information to the local community 

What support can East Ayrshire Council provide?

Please be assured that we will continue to support you during this time. We would be keen to hear some of the suggestions you may have about how we can do this. 

Things to consider might include:

  • helping with the cost of hiring premises
  • helping with cost of petrol for delivering groceries
  • providing food to make up food parcels
  • providing protective equipment such as gloves or hand gel

Shopmobility in Kilmarnock

Whilst we try to accommodate on the day walk in requests subject to availability, it is advisable to book to ensure the necessary equipment is available when needed.

Find out more at Shopmobility in Kilmarnock.

Gypsy/Traveller communities

A new Facebook page for Gypsy/Traveller communities has been set up.

This is a joint initiative of the Scottish Government, COSLA, Article 12 in Scotland, MECOPP, Progress in Dialogue and STEP.

For information and advice in East Ayrshire please contact Customer Services on 01563 554400

You can also follow EAC Equalities on Twitter for news and updates.​

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