CAMPS (Cumnock Area Musical Production Society)
Barrhill Centre
Collection and delivery of shopping for people in self-isolation
Please note this support will be stopping in January 2023
Tuesday and Friday, 11am to 2pm
Natelie Carmichael Email:
Kilmarnock Town Centre
EACHA (East Ayrshire Churches Homelessness Action)
New Laigh Kirk
John Dickie Street
Over the winter period, EACHa will be providing a hot meal, a welcoming environment with heating and friendship. All are welcome
Our service providers will be on site each Wednesday
Everyone can take away a food parcel with them each Wednesday
You will also find access to services such as:
- homeless nurse
- Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
- job centre
- advocacy
- peer support
- hairdresser
- optician
- christians against poverty
- fire services and more
Monday, 1pm to 3pm
Wednesday, 2pm to 4pm
Emma Wylie Springer (Co-ordinator) Email:
Kilmarnock North
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
Society of St Vincent De Paul Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
Kirkton Road
Food provision
Some clothing for Kilmarnock North areas
Monday, 7:30am to 8:15pm
Colette Lamberth Email:
Kilmarnock North West
Community Action Plan
Emergency parcel delivery, prescription uplift and delivery
Socially distanced chats are also offered
Sharon McLachlan Telephone: 07889 657765 Email: