Trading Standards are the enforcement authority for animal health legislation and we employ a full time Animal Health and Welfare Officer to enforce the provisions of the Animal Health Act 1981.
Our officer visits farms and collection centres to ensure legislation is being complied with and records are kept up to date.
Visits to markets are also made to ensure animals are correctly identified, fit to travel and the correct transport documentation accompanies them during transport. We check that market premises and vehicles are cleansed and disinfected after use.
Welfare visits are also made where there is concern over the health and well being of animals.
Our Animal Health and Welfare Officer attends welfare problems with veterinary officials to advise farmers of good practice in livestock husbandry. If there are particularly serious problems then it is the duty of the officer to make a report to the Procurator Fiscal.
We work closely with Animal Health Veterinary Officers, Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SSPCA) and other agencies to help prevent the spread of infection during outbreaks of disease such as Foot and Mouth and Rabies.
We also undertake road checks with other agencies, such as the police and veterinary officials ensure livestock transporters adhere to transport legislation.
Specific enquiries about the welfare of dogs and other companion animals should be directed to the SSPCA on 03000 999 999. If, however, you feel that the issue is one which we should deal with then you can contact Environmental Health.
If you require further advice or assistance please contact Trading Standards using the details below.