Community Renewal Fund (CRF) local priorities action plan 2021-24.
Strategic Priority 1: Ayrshire Growth Deal
Sustainability and environment
- Assist existing businesses to decarbonise and support the growth of high potential, sustainable and low carbon businesses.
- Deliver new opportunities for apprenticeships across a range of emerging growth sectors, including ‘green apprenticeships’, which will help us to deliver on our net zero carbon aspirations.
- Deliver on Scotland’s 2030 net zero carbon commitment by investing in clean energy and digital technology.
- Working with SEPA and the Scottish Government, fully examine the issue of flood risk and implications for our communities, including our town centres.
- Invest in new, sustainable transport infrastructure that improves the transport network and accessibility, particularly in our rural communities.
Strategic Priority 1: Ayrshire Growth Deal and Community Wealth Building
Inclusive economic growth
- Enable local businesses to take advantage of public sector procurement opportunities, helping to increase their competitiveness nationally and internationally.
- Provide a range of tailored support packages to nurture and develop the capacity of our businesses to grow.
- Attract more private sector investment into East Ayrshire, providing projects that generate jobs and wealth for our communities.
- Provide specific innovation and entrepreneurial skills to support emerging growth sectors via skills partners.
- Support social enterprises and the third sector to provide facilities and employment, and deliver inclusive growth.
Strategic Priority 2: Caring for Ayrshire
Community wellbeing
- Work with employers to ensure that opportunities created locally adhere to the principles of Fair Work, including payment of the Living Wage and high standards.
- Invest in town centres to encourage the return of visitors, and reimagine our vacant shops and public buildings as housing, business or community space.
- As anchor organisations, design and build local economic and community wealth building solutions in conjunction with local people.
- Work alongside our communities to deliver Local Place Plans which set out proposals for development of land and assets.
Poverty and inequality
- Adapt the provision of employability services and provide re-training and upskilling opportunities for people whose work or learning has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and for those most at risk of poverty.
- Reduce the incidence of ill health as a constraint to an inclusive economy for individuals and businesses.
- Tackle digital exclusion to promote equality, counter social isolation and unlock access to education, healthcare and employment opportunities.
Renewal and transformation
COVID-19 pandemic recovery
- Support all our businesses through recovery from COVID-19 and the UK’s departure from the EU, and into a longer-term renewal.
- Invest in hospitality and tourism as part of our economic recovery from COVID-19 and reposition East Ayrshire as a destination for responsible tourism in alignment with national and pan-Ayrshire tourism strategies.
- Accelerate the transformation of key digital public services, recognising the workplace transformation that has taken place as a result of COVID-19.
Children and young people
- Ensure that, within the necessary constraints of the ongoing COVID-19 response, the delivery of education within our learning establishments maintains a strong focus on excellence and equity for all.
- Maximise educational attainment rates and achievement for all learners in East Ayrshire, recognising the particular challenges in areas of deprivation.
- Support the Young Person’s Guarantee by ensuring that every young person has access to a job, education, training or development programme.
- Expand provision of school, college and apprenticeship places to meet emerging demands in new and high-growth areas.