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Let’s get physical

Our bodies and minds need exercise to function well, prevent weight gain and to keep our spirits up during this challenging time.

Exercise can help our immune system stay strong, be less susceptible to infection and better able to recover.

Any activity is better than none at all. The more activity you can plan into your day, the more physical and mental health benefits you will experience.

Easy exercise and gentle movements

Try to sit less

Take breaks from sitting in front of a smartphone or TV every 30 minutes and take a two minute walk around the house.

Use the stairs

Stair climbing is an extremely time-efficient way to maintain fitness and as little as three 20 seconds fast stair climbs a day can significantly improve fitness levels.

Go for a walk

Try to get out once a day, to get some fresh air and break up your routine. It’s a low impact form of exercise, helps to reduce excess body fat, reduces stress and improves your mental wellbeing.

Chair exercises

Visit Later Life Training to access their chair exercise booklet.

Improve your strength and balance

Visit the NHS website for some gentle exercises designed to improve your strength and balance.

Other types of exercise

If you are able, you could try the following:

Contact Information

Council Headquarters
London Road
East Ayrshire
Contact us online:
Save time, do it online:
Telephone: 01563 554400
Textphone: 01563 576167
24 Hour Emergency Helpline (local rate): 0345 724 0000
East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership
The Johnnie Walker Bond
15 Strand Street

Drag your contacts in here.