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How communities help shape future health and social care

When there are any significant changes to the way health and care services are delivered, the residents, users of the services and communities affected must be informed and their views and opinions on the changes, and its impact, sought, recorded and considered before the planning and designing of the new service.

Workshops and events are being organised to ask communities what they think of the current services they are receiving and if they think they are being delivered in the right way and from the right premises. We also want to know how you think services could be improved and what they might look like in the future.

The re-design of services must also consider where services are best delivered from. Many buildings where health care is currently being delivered are coming to the end of their natural life or may not be fit for purpose any longer or may not have the facilities needed to offer new high quality services. The views of your community are important because they will shape the way future health services are delivered in your area.

In gathering the views of your community EAHSCP comply with:

  • The National Standards for Community Engagement which outlines best practice guidance for engagement between communities and public agencies. 
  • Inform, Engage, Consult CEL4 (2010) which provides detailed requirements for participation. 

Gathering your views

A workshop was organised to gather the views of the local communities, the people using the services, carers, professionals delivering the services and voluntary organisations who support the local communities. The event took place on Friday 25 October 2019 in the Boswell Centre in Auchinleck Cumnock.  Everyone who lives in Cumnock, Auchinleck, Mauchline, new Cumnock and nearby villages was welcome.

What happened at the workshop event?

Over 100 people representing a wide range of stakeholders attended the event including a number of the health and social care professionals who live and work in the area. Along with community members who use the services there were representatives from Acute Services, Primary Care, District Nursing, Social Work, Allied Health Professionals and those volunteers from the third sector and staff from the independent sector who provide services.

Those attending the event were welcomed by the Director of the East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership, Eddie Fraser, who delivered a short presentation which provided an understanding of why changes to health and social care services are needed. This was followed by a presentation on the over-arching Health and Wellbeing objectives of Caring for Ayrshire, a programme of work looking to consider what services will be needed in the longer term (5-10years).

The main aim of the event was to gather the views of those attending on the important issues affecting the health and wellbeing of the people and communities in Cumnock, New Cumnock, Auchinleck, Mauchline and surrounding villages.

There were ten discussion groups, nine with professionals and one group with members of the public. There was also a number of display stands available to showcase the theme of health and wellbeing and the opportunities offered by digital innovations

Part 1

Attendees were seated at tables of ten and were asked to provide a baseline understanding of what health and social care services were currently delivered in the area and where these services were delivered from.


Each table ensured that a consistent mix of professionals sat at each table. This was done in advance by allocating attendees to tables based on their job titles with broad representation of all professions at each table and avoiding any concentration of one profession at any one table.  This ensured there was no bias by profession. A list of services was provided as an aide and envelopes representing each location were provided. Attendees were asked where services were delivered from. The services were inserted into the envelopes representing each location. From this information a base line picture was establish of what services were currently being delivered in the area and from what location.

Part 2

Each table was then asked to consider what services they would like to see provided in the future and from which location. The condition of the locations was also provided to provide a more accurate picture of which buildings may or may not still be serviceable and fit for purpose in the future ( in 5 -10 years). Attendees also provided the reasons for their choices.


The list of services was provided again and attendees asked to consider where they would like to receive/have these services delivered from. They provided their opinion on the way they felt the services would be best delivered. Home was given as an option. The services were inserted into the envelopes representing each location. From this information attendees provided a picture of what services they wanted and from where these services would best be delivered and why.

Part 3

Attendees had the opportunity to have a say about what services they thought were working well and those which were not. They were also asked to consider which services they thought there may be an increased demand for in the future, and why. Views were also sought of any services which might be needed but are not provided at present in the area. 


Opinions and views were written on cards and these were collated and analysed.   

Outcomes and results

The outcomes of this workshop were analysed and collated and key themes, concerns and ideas emerged. The full report can be read below along with a presentation of the statistics. This report will be used as a reference document for consideration and input as part of the wider planning process for the Cumnock Health and Wellbeing Hub.

Cumnock Health and Wellbeing Hub Analysis report (PDF 537Kb)

Presentation of statistics relating to the Cumnock Hub analysis

Please check this page in June 2020 for an update and further information.

Contact Information

East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership
The Johnnie Walker Bond
15 Strand Street

Drag your contacts in here.