The Council will support the re-use and redevelopment of sites that are:
- defined as vacant or derelict land in the most recent vacant and derelict land survey
- located within settlement boundaries
To encourage development on such sites, proposals will benefit from:
- an exemption from the requirement to provide developer contributions
- an exemption from the requirement to provide on-site open space or make a financial contribution to open space provision
- an exemption to provide affordable housing on site, but must make a commuted sum payment to provide affordable housing off site, if affordable housing is required in that Sub Housing Market Area
Where only part of a site is classed as vacant or derelict, the exemptions will only apply to that particular portion of the site. The exemptions may also be applicable to derelict buildings within settlement boundaries on a case-by-case basis.
Proposals to:
- re-use derelict buildings or
- demolish derelict buildings and redevelop their site
will benefit from the exemptions when it can be demonstrated that they have been vacant for a minimum of 18 months and the proposal will bring a clear benefit to the local environment and amenity of the local community. This will not apply to listed building or buildings within conservation areas.
The redevelopment of vacant and derelict sites and buildings should take the biodiversity and built heritage value of the land or buildings into account, and will be subject to assessment against all other relevant policies of the Plan.
Sites included on the vacant and derelict land register can be viewed through the Council's Online Mapping.