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Local Development Plan 2 (LDP2) policies on spatial strategy are listed below:

Policy SS1: Climate change

When considering all development proposals, the Council will give significant weight to the Global Climate Emergency. All development should support these aspirations, where possible, by:

  1. minimising carbon emissions
  2. maximising carbon storage and sequestration
  3. mitigating the impacts of climate change, including through the delivery of net zero and low carbon infrastructure
  4. being designed to be adaptable to the future impacts of climate change

Where necessary, the Council may request further information from developers to assess how the climate emergency has been taken into account in a proposal. This information should demonstrate what measures will be put in place to address the climate emergency.

Policy SS2: Overarching policy

Development proposals are required to meet the following criteria in so far as they are relevant, or otherwise demonstrate how their contribution to sustainable development would outweigh any departure from the following criteria:

  1. Contribute to the delivery of the Vision and Aims of the Plan, by being in accord with its Spatial Strategy, relevant LDP2 policies, and associated supplementary guidance, and taking account of any relevant non-statutory guidance
  2. Be fully compatible with surrounding established uses and have no unacceptable impacts on the environmental quality of the area
  3. Be located in accessible locations and minimise the need to travel by unsustainable modes
  4. Be efficient in the use of land by reusing vacant buildings and previously used land where possible
  5. Meet with the requirements of all statutory consultees and the Ayrshire Roads Alliance
  6. Prepare Masterplans/Design Statements in line with Planning Advice Notes 83 and 68 respectively where requested by the Council or where required in Volume 2 of LDP2
  7. Implement the relevant enhancement and mitigation measures contained within the Environmental Report where required in Volume 2 of LDP2

Policy SS3: Central Scotland Green Network

The Council, in principle, will support proposals which facilitate and contribute to the enhancement of our green and blue network, in particular, where there are gaps in the Central Scotland Green Network and opportunities to connect our networks as identified in Figure 4.

The Council will also support proposals which contribute to projects highlighted within the Green Infrastructure Strategy.

Policy SS4: Development of vacant and derelict land

The Council will support the re-use and redevelopment of sites that are:

  1. defined as vacant or derelict land in the most recent vacant and derelict land survey
  2. located within settlement boundaries

To encourage development on such sites, proposals will benefit from:

  • an exemption from the requirement to provide developer contributions
  • an exemption from the requirement to provide on-site open space or make a financial contribution to open space provision
  • an exemption to provide affordable housing on site, but must make a commuted sum payment to provide affordable housing off site, if affordable housing is required in that Sub Housing Market Area

Where only part of a site is classed as vacant or derelict, the exemptions will only apply to that particular portion of the site. The exemptions may also be applicable to derelict buildings within settlement boundaries on a case-by-case basis.

Proposals to:

  1. re-use derelict buildings or
  2. demolish derelict buildings and redevelop their site

will benefit from the exemptions when it can be demonstrated that they have been vacant for a minimum of 18 months and the proposal will bring a clear benefit to the local environment and amenity of the local community. This will not apply to listed building or buildings within conservation areas.

The redevelopment of vacant and derelict sites and buildings should take the biodiversity and built heritage value of the land or buildings into account, and will be subject to assessment against all other relevant policies of the Plan.

Sites included on the vacant and derelict land register can be viewed through the Council's Online Mapping.

Policy SS5: Coalfield Communities Landscape Partnership

The Council will support developments that contribute to the vision and aims of the Coalfield Communities Landscape Partnership, as a key means of regenerating and rejuvenating the former coalfield area.

The Council will not support any proposals within the landscape partnership boundary, or immediately adjacent, that would prevent the successful delivery and long-term sustainability of the projects carried out by the Partnership, as listed in Schedule 2 and denoted on Figure 6.

Developers within the Landscape Partnership area are encouraged to seek ways in which their proposals can link into the Partnership, to deliver additional benefits to the landscape and communities of the coalfields.

Policy SS6: Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere

The Council will encourage developments and proposals that support the aims of the Biosphere, particularly where they provide an innovative approach to sustainable communities and the economy.

Developments which support and improve the understanding and enjoyment of the area as a world- class environment will also be supported.

Development must be appropriate to the role of the three different UNESCO Biosphere zones.

Policy SS7: Development in south central Kilmarnock

Proposals within the South Central Kilmarnock area as defined in Figure 8 should align with the principles of the Development Framework for Kilmarnock Town Centre and South Central Kilmarnock, which will be adopted as Supplementary Guidance, with particular cognisance of the recommendations of the South Central Kilmarnock Placemaking Map.

Development fronting the main streets and spaces of South Central Kilmarnock, including:

  • Titchfield Street
  • Glencairn Street
  • Shaw Street
  • Glencairn Square

should provide an adequate frontage towards said spaces and where practicable retain the same building line as neighbouring properties, in addition to any other provisions in the Design and Placemaking policies and Supplementary Guidance.

Development on Glencairn Square should reflect the built form of the place by mirroring the north-west and south-east sides of the square.

Policy SS8: Ayrshire Growth Deal

The Council will encourage and support developments that contribute to the vision, aims and projects of the Ayrshire Growth Deal, as a key means of stimulating and promoting transformational change.

Policy SS9: Community Wealth Building

The Council will support the use and adaptation of existing buildings and vacant sites within settlement boundaries, which have been acquired by the community or a community organisation by asset transfer or other means, or which are owned or managed by an anchor institution for:

  • community uses
  • other uses consistent with a Community Action Plan, adopted Placemaking Plan/Local Place Plan
  • uses associated with the community (or community organisation) working in partnership with an anchor institution
  • uses which will support net zero objectives

Policy SS10: Skills and employment

Developers applying for planning permission for a major development as defined by the hierarchy of development are required to submit a skills and employment plan demonstrating how they will look to provide training/skills and employment opportunities for residents in East Ayrshire.

Developers should also demonstrate what consideration has been given to their supply chain and maintenance arrangements, to explore ways in which their developments can maximise the benefit to the local economy.

Non-statutory planning guidance will be prepared to provide information on what should be included within a skills and employment plan.

Policy SS11: Making space in settlements for green energy

The Council will support proposals for renewable energy or renewable heat developments on under-utilised land within settlements.

In particular, subject to assessment against all other policies of the LDP, the Council will support the use of:

  • green and blue spaces, including safeguarded open space, as low carbon heat sources, heat storage sites and heat transmission corridors – the development should not have unacceptable negative impacts on the overall use or environmental quality of the green or blue space
  • sites on the vacant and derelict land register, or other brownfield sites, for renewable energy/heat generation or storage

Policy SS12: Strategic woodland creation

The Council will particularly support developments and proposals that contribute to woodland creation within the Strategic Woodland Creation Pilot Project area, shown in Figure 12.

Proposals will be supported where they meet with the guidance set out in the associated non-statutory Planning Guidance.

Contact Information

Planning & Economic Development
Telephone: 01563 576790