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Local Development Plan 2 (LDP2) policies on energy, resources and resilience - zero waste are listed below:

Policy WM1: Waste management in new developments

All development will require to meet with the aims of the Zero Waste Plan and follow the principles of the Waste Hierarchy, as per Figure 24.

Development proposals that are likely to generate waste when operational, including residential, commercial and industrial properties, should include provision as an integral part of the original design to maximise waste reduction and waste separation at source, and minimise the cross-contamination of materials, through:

  1. appropriate segregation and storage of waste
  2. appropriate convenient access for the collection of waste
  3. appropriate recycling and localised waste management facilities

Development proposals should aim to reduce, reuse, or recycle materials in line with the waste hierarchy. All developments should aim to use materials with the lowest forms of embodied emissions.

Materials should be suitable for reuse with minimal reprocessing. The use of previously used, sustainable, local, recycled and natural construction materials that also store carbon, such as timber, is encouraged.

Construction and demolition methods should minimise emissions as far as possible.

Policy WM2: Development and the circular economy

Development proposals within the categories of national and major developments should take into account circular economy principles and aim to reduce, reuse or recycle waste in line with the waste hierarchy.

Where appropriate, they should:

  1. reuse existing buildings and infrastructure
  2. minimise demolition and salvage materials for reuse
  3. use design and construction measures to minimise waste, reduce pressure on virgin resources and enable building materials, components and products to be disassembled, and reused at the end of their useful life
  4. support maintenance, longevity, adaptability and flexibility
  5. identify how much waste the proposal is expected to generate and how and where the waste will be managed in accordance with the waste hierarchy, including demonstrating the management of as much waste as possible on site
  6. make provision for adequate and accessible storage space and collection systems when the development is operational to support the waste hierarchy, including reuse and recycling
  7. set out how performance will be monitored and reported

Policy WM3: Waste management facilities

Proposals for new and extended waste management infrastructure and facilities, including any waste activity which is ancillary to an industrial process, will be assessed against NPF4, other relevant LDP policies and considered against the following criteria:

  1. there are no unacceptable impacts (including cumulative) on the residential amenity of nearby dwellings, local communities, natural heritage and historic environment assets;
  2. environmental (including cumulative) impacts relating to noise, wind-blown material and dust, smells, pest control and pollution of land, air and water are acceptable
  3. any greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the processing and transportation of wastes to and from the facility are minimised and offset
  4. an adequate buffer zone13 between sites and settlements is provided taking account of the various environmental effects likely to arise
  5. a restoration and aftercare scheme (including appropriate financial mechanisms) is provided and agreed to ensure the site is restored in the event of operator failure in accordance with Policy FIN1 and the Council's Supplementary Guidance on Financial Guarantees
  6. development proposals for new waste infrastructure, except landfill and energy from waste/incineration, should be supported if the proposal is located within an established area suitable for business (Class 4), general industrial (Class 5) or storage (Class 6) and provided they are in line with Scottish Government objectives on waste management to maximise the value of secondary resources to the economy and move waste as high up the waste hierarchy as possible. Consideration should also be given to co-location with end users of outputs to support the establishment of associated industries and businesses to maximise the value of secondary resources, where appropriate. Any new secondary industries and businesses will be assessed against all relevant LDP policies including those relating to business and industry. Outwith those areas only small scale facilities needing a location accessible to the public will be supported, for example, bottle banks and deposit return scheme return points
  7. proposals for the capture, distribution or use of gases captured from landfill sites or waste water treatment plant should be supported
  8. development proposals for new or extended landfill sites should only be supported where there is a demonstrable need for additional landfill capacity taking into account Scottish Government objectives on waste management and waste heat and/or electricity generation is included – where this is considered impractical, evidence and justification must be provided

Development proposals should not be supported if they would, either directly or indirectly, limit the operation of existing or proposed waste management facilities.

Policy WM4: Recovery of energy from waste

Development proposals which involve the recovery of energy from waste will only be supported in limited circumstances where a national or local need has been sufficiently demonstrated, for example in terms of capacity need or carbon benefits, as part of a strategic approach to residual waste management and where the proposal:

  1. is consistent with climate change mitigation targets and in line with circular economy principles
  2. can demonstrate that a functional heat network can be created and provided within the site for appropriate infrastructure to allow a heat network to be developed and that, wherever possible, potential local customers have been identified
  3. is supported by a heat and power plan which demonstrates how energy recovered from the development would be used to provide electricity and heat and where consideration is given to methods to reduce carbon emissions of the facility, for example through carbon capture and storage
  4. complies with the relevant guidelines published by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)
  5. has supplied an acceptable decarbonisation strategy aligned with Scottish Government decarbonisation goals; and fully accords with the provisions of Policy WM3 as they relate to energy-from-waste facilities

Contact Information

Planning & Economic Development
Telephone: 01563 576790