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Local Development Plan 2 (LDP2) policies on energy, resources and resilience - supporting renewable energy are listed below:

Policy RE1: Renewable Energy

Proposals for the generation, storage and utilisation of renewable energy, including proposals for the co-location of these technologies, in the form of new build development, infrastructure or retrofit projects are encouraged and will be supported in standalone locations and as integral parts of new and existing developments, where they are acceptable when assessed against all relevant criteria set out in the Renewable Energy Assessment Criteria table below.

The criteria will be considered in terms of the impacts of the development itself and the cumulative impacts arising when the proposed development is considered alongside other developments.

Areas identified for wind farms are expected to be suitable for use in perpetuity.

To maximise renewable energy generation, proposals to re-power or extend existing renewable energy developments will be supported, where they are acceptable when assessed against the Renewable Energy Assessment Criteria table below.

All applications for renewable energy proposals should be accompanied by detailed supporting information to allow a detailed assessment to be made against the criteria, both in terms of the impacts of the development itself and the cumulative impacts when considered alongside other developments.

Energy and Electric Vehicle Charging Supplementary Guidance supports the policy, explaining in greater detail the criteria that will be used to assess renewable energy proposals.

Note - this policy applies to all types of renewable energy development proposals, with the exception of heat and energy from waste.

Contact Information

Planning & Economic Development
Telephone: 01563 576790