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Local Development Plan 2 (LDP2) policies on energy, resources and resilience - minerals are listed below:

Policy MIN2: Extraction of minerals

The extraction of minerals will be supported where there will be no unacceptable and significant adverse impact on local communities and the environment.

The following criteria will be used to assess applications, and applicants should provide supporting information and mitigation measures accordingly:

  • the contribution to the maintenance of a landbank of reserves for construction aggregates
  • impact on any nearby homes, local communities and known sensitive receptors and designations
  • impacts upon biodiversity and the natural environment, sensitive habitats and the historic environment
  • impacts in terms of noise, dust, vibration, odour, and potential pollution of land, air and water
  • landscape and visual impacts
  • cumulative impacts
  • impacts upon transport, including cumulative impacts (in respect of traffic movements related to wind farms under construction or consented, quarries and surface coal mining sites) – the number and length of lorry trips should be specified and rail transport should be used wherever practical
  • suitability of the restoration and aftercare proposals for the site
  • the benefits accruing from the proposal including local employment opportunities

In addition to meeting the above criteria 11, proposals for surface mining will be supported only if the applicant can demonstrate that:

  • they have explored the potential for clay extraction as part of the development
  • the proposal is consistent with national policy on energy and targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions

Policy MIN3: Minerals Restoration and Placemaking

All development should:

  1. restore the land to the highest possible standard which is suitable for other appropriate uses
  2. identify opportunities for environmental improvement in restoration and incorporate these where practicable

Opencast coal sites must be progressively restored.

Policy MIN4: Protecting communities

The Council will support proposals for minerals operations, which provide an adequate separation distance between the development site and nearby communities and sensitive receptors, and that minimise any adverse impact on them.

The separation distance should be demonstrated by a buffer zone between the proposed site and communities. The precise scale of the buffer should be defined on the basis of the specific circumstances of the proposals, including:

  • the nature of the extraction activity, including consideration of method of working, working hours, associated environmental effects such as dust, noise, vibration, lighting and transportation requirements
  • the size of the site
  • the duration of the work
  • the geographic location
  • the topography of the site and surrounding landscape
  • the surrounding land uses and surrounding development proposals

Proposals within 500 metres of a settlement or any residential dwelling are unlikely to be supported and will only be so where local circumstances, including the removal of dereliction, small-scale prior extraction or stabilisation of mining legacy, justify a limited separation distance.

Non-engineering works or mitigation measures within 500 metres may be acceptable.

Policy MIN5: Protecting residential amenity

The Council will seek to ensure that all applications for mineral development will not create an unacceptable impact through the generation of noise, dust, vibration, air and light pollution particularly where they affect local communities and individual houses.

Applicants should submit supporting information with all minerals related applications which demonstrates that they have considered, minimised and if necessary mitigated:

  1. potential effects of the operational working of the site on existing residential properties and nearby communities, including noise, dust and vibrations
  2. the effects of the proposal on the visual amenity and physical setting of residential properties and nearby communities
  3. the potential adverse effects of the transportation of extracted materials on local communities and dwellings located along proposed haulage routes

Policy MIN6: Duration of extraction period

Permission granted for minerals extraction will be time limited. Any application to extend the life of the development beyond the consented period will only be supported where:

  • need and demand for the mineral in the market area can be demonstrated
  • there will not be an unacceptable adverse impact on local communities and individual houses
  • there will be no unacceptable adverse environmental impacts arising from the time extension
  • the original restoration and aftercare proposals are updated and/or revised to the satisfaction of the Council
  • restoration has been progressed as far as practicable on any completed areas prior to the commencement of works on an extended site

Policy MIN7: Borrow pits

Borrow pits will only be permitted where it can be demonstrated that:

  • they are time-limited
  • they are tied to a particular project
  • there are appropriate reclamation measures in place which are enforceable

All borrow pits will be required to be within the planning application boundary of the project the mineral is to be used for. The requirement for the formation of an additional borrow pit will need to be justified in terms of insufficient (fit for purpose) supplies in the first borrow pit.

In addition to being assessed against the broader provisions of the Plan, proposals for borrow pits will be considered in relation to:

  1. the needs of particular construction projects
  2. the distance of the project from suitable quarries
  3. the number of vehicle movements which will be avoided
  4. carbon assessments
  5. the duration of the excavation
  6. site specific proposals for restoration and aftercare
  7. environmental considerations such as impacts on the water environment including watercourses and groundwater dependent terrestrial ecosystems (GWDTE)
  8. potential disturbance to wildlife

The Council will require applicants to submit supporting evidence in respect of the above criteria to accompany any application which involves the creation of borrow pits.

Policy MIN8: Reworking of Waste Spoil Tips

The Council will, subject to the provisions of all other relevant policies in the Plan, support proposals for the reworking of waste spoil tips where this will lead to the restoration or reinstatement of degraded land.

This will be subject to an assessment of the risks of mobilising pollutants and contaminants and the quality, scarcity and variety of any existing spoil tip naturalisation and associated flora and fauna.

This policy does not apply to sites pending restoration which require to use overburden as part of approved restoration plans.

Policy MIN9: Extraction of secondary aggregates

The extraction of secondary materials with primary materials (excluding peat) will be supported subject to sufficient material being present for restoration purposes and appropriate consents being sought.

Contact Information

Planning & Economic Development
Telephone: 01563 576790