The Council will support proposals for minerals operations, which provide an adequate separation distance between the development site and nearby communities and sensitive receptors, and that minimise any adverse impact on them.
The separation distance should be demonstrated by a buffer zone between the proposed site and communities. The precise scale of the buffer should be defined on the basis of the specific circumstances of the proposals, including:
- the nature of the extraction activity, including consideration of method of working, working hours, associated environmental effects such as dust, noise, vibration, lighting and transportation requirements
- the size of the site
- the duration of the work
- the geographic location
- the topography of the site and surrounding landscape
- the surrounding land uses and surrounding development proposals
Proposals within 500 metres of a settlement or any residential dwelling are unlikely to be supported and will only be so where local circumstances, including the removal of dereliction, small-scale prior extraction or stabilisation of mining legacy, justify a limited separation distance.
Non-engineering works or mitigation measures within 500 metres may be acceptable.