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Local Development Plan 2 (LDP2) policies on energy, resources and resilience - financial guarantees are listed below:

Policy FIN1: Financial guarantees

Where necessary in terms of the scale and potential environmental impact of a proposal, and/or where restoration and aftercare are essential, the Council will require a financial guarantee for renewable energy, minerals, waste management and electrical infrastructure projects, to ensure that all decommissioning, restoration, aftercare and mitigation requirements attached to planning consents can be met in full.

A financial guarantee may be required for other types of development, dependent on scale, potential impact and the requirement for decommissioning and restoration. Any planning permission granted for such developments will be appropriately conditioned and/or subject to a Section 75 obligation to ensure that a financial guarantee is put in place, to the satisfaction of the Council. No development will be permitted on site until any legal obligation and planning conditions have been discharged by the Council.

The financial guarantee will be reviewed at regular intervals, by an independent party, to ensure it remains of a sufficient level to cover all potential restoration, aftercare, decommissioning and mitigation costs.

This policy will be accompanied by Financial Guarantees Supplementary Guidance.

Contact Information

Planning & Economic Development
Telephone: 01563 576790