The Council will support a wide range of uses in centres where they comply with Policies TC2, TC3 and TC4, as relevant, and will help to improve the vitality of the relevant centre.
All proposals should be of a scale appropriate to the size and function of the centre, taking account of the hierarchy as set out in Table 3: East Ayrshire's Network of Centres, which can be viewed on page 105 of Local Development Plan 2: Volume 1 (PDF 48.17 MB).
Development proposals within prime and strategic town centres, local town centres and suburb centres as defined in Table 3 will be supported by the Council where it can be fully demonstrated that they will improve and expand the commercial or municipal offer within the Centre, do not have an adverse impact on any Centre, and that they:
- contribute positively to the character of the immediate and surrounding area
- contribute positively to the visual amenity of the area by providing a high quality and attractive, active street frontage with appropriate signage and careful consideration of the siting and design of any external features including flue extraction systems
- do not have a detrimental effect on the amenity of adjacent properties, in terms of noise, litter, odour or any other disturbance
- do not result in an inappropriate concentration of Hot Food Takeaways (including permanently sited vans), Public Houses and Composite/Hybrid Uses in a particular area, to the detriment of the overall character and amenity of the area9
9 A concentration of such uses is not problematic per se, it is the impact that such a concentration may have on the vitality and amenity of the locale which needs to be given consideration, in particular the impacts on the amenity of surrounding existing or consented uses, principally, but not limited to residential uses and sensitive receptors (hospitals, schools, daycare facilities, elderly housing and convalescent facilities).
Proposals in the defined commercial centres will be supported where they comply with the role and function identified in the network of centres and where they meet the criteria listed in policy TC2.
Developments which do not meet with the provisions of policy TC1 will not receive Council support.
Design Supplementary Guidance on the display of adverts and shop alterations supports policy TC1.