Sites identified for business and industrial use within the Local Development Plan maps will be safeguarded for classes 4, 5 and 6 of the Use Class Order. Within these areas, other employment generating uses may be supported, where they compliment and do not dilute the primary business and industrial function of the area.
Any such proposal will only be supported where it can be demonstrated that there are alternative land or premises available within the settlement or area to meet future business and industrial requirements, and the proposal complies with all other relevant LDP policies, including town centre policies.
Outwith the safeguarded sites, the use of land or premises currently or formerly used for business or industrial purposes for alternative uses will be supported where it will not be detrimental to the surrounding area and uses and it can be demonstrated with supporting evidence that:
- the land or premise has been marketed for business and/or industrial use for a period of at least 6 months at a market value, without any interest from potential purchasers; or
- within the particular settlement or area there are alternative land or premises, with the potential to meet future business and industrial use requirements