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Local Development Plan 2 (LDP2) policies on economy and employment - business and industry are listed below:

Policy IND1: Business and industrial development 

Proposals for new business and industrial development falling within classes 4, 5 and 6 of the Use Classes Order will be directed to those sites safeguarded for Business and Industrial use, as detailed in Schedule 4 and Volume 2 of the LDP.

Business and industrial proposals in settlements outwith these sites will be supported where the use is compatible with surrounding land uses and the proposal will have no unacceptable impacts on the local environment or amenity of the surrounding area.

Policy IND2: Business and industrial development in rural areas

Outwith settlement boundaries, small scale new business and industrial developments (Class 4, 5 and 6) and extensions to existing developments for those classes, that contribute to the viability, sustainability and diversity of rural communities and local rural economy will be supported including:

  1. diversification of existing businesses
  2. production and processing facilities for local produce and materials, for example sawmills, or local food production
  3. reuse of a redundant or unused building
  4. appropriate use of a historic environment asset or appropriate enabling development to secure the future of historic environment assets; reuse of brownfield land where a return to a natural state has not or will not happen without intervention; or small scale developments that support new ways of working such as remote working, homeworking and community hubs

Development proposals in rural areas should be suitably scaled, sited and designed to be in keeping with the character of the area. They should also consider how the development will contribute towards local living and take into account the transport needs of the development as appropriate for the rural location.

Policy IND3: Alternative use of business and industrial land or premises

Sites identified for business and industrial use within the Local Development Plan maps will be safeguarded for classes 4, 5 and 6 of the Use Class Order. Within these areas, other employment generating uses may be supported, where they compliment and do not dilute the primary business and industrial function of the area.

Any such proposal will only be supported where it can be demonstrated that there are alternative land or premises available within the settlement or area to meet future business and industrial requirements, and the proposal complies with all other relevant LDP policies, including town centre policies.

Outwith the safeguarded sites, the use of land or premises currently or formerly used for business or industrial purposes for alternative uses will be supported where it will not be detrimental to the surrounding area and uses and it can be demonstrated with supporting evidence that:

  1. the land or premise has been marketed for business and/or industrial use for a period of at least 6 months at a market value, without any interest from potential purchasers; or
  2. within the particular settlement or area there are alternative land or premises, with the potential to meet future business and industrial use requirements

Policy IND4: Working from home

The Council will be supportive of business (Class 4) developments within residential properties or associated outbuildings, where the proposal meets the following criteria:

  1. the primary use of the property will remain residential
  2. the business can be adequately accommodated within the existing property or within an extension or additional outbuilding which is of a scale subordinate to the existing residential property and leaves sufficient private amenity space
  3. the business use will not adversely affect the existing residential use of the property
  4. the business use will not adversely impact on the residential amenity or character of the area. This includes consideration of the impact of any additional car journeys generated by the business
  5. adequate car parking can be provided to the standards of Ayrshire Roads Alliance

Within settlements, the Council will be supportive of developments for work-live units, where the business use will not adversely impact on neighbouring uses or on the amenity of new and existing residents.

Contact Information

Planning & Economic Development
Telephone: 01563 576790