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Local Development Plan 2 (LDP2) policies on communities and housing - housing are listed below:

Policy RES1: New housing developments

The Council will encourage and support the residential development of Housing Opportunity and certain Miscellaneous Opportunity sites identified on the LDP maps. New homes on land not allocated for housebuilding in the LDP will not be supported other than in circumstances where the planning authority determines that:

  1. the proposal is supported by an agreed timescale for build-out; and
  2. the proposal is otherwise consistent with the plan Spatial Strategy, the principles of 20 Minute Neighbourhoods and the availability of infrastructure to support development; and
  3. either
  • overall progress in the build-out of sites included in the Housing Land Pipeline is exceeding delivery timelines set out in the most up-to-date Action Programme for the plan; or
  • the proposal is consistent with Rural Housing development policies; or
  • the proposal is within a defined settlement boundary, and is either on a small site or within a site identified in the latest published Vacant and Derelict Land Survey; or
  • the proposal is for the delivery of a development of affordable homes as part of a Local Authority-led or supported affordable housing plan

Residential developments will require to meet with the Public and Private Open Space Standards set out in Schedule 1 of the LDP and may be required to provide a proportion of units as affordable housing and in addition make developer contributions where additional demands are placed on facilities, infrastructure or services that would necessitate new facilities or exacerbate deficiencies in existing provision.

Ancillary, associated uses such as small-scale retail for day-to-day purchases and leisure, recreational and community facilities at a neighbourhood scale will be supported in appropriate locations within new housing developments where they meet with all relevant LDP policies.

Policy RES2: Affordable housing

The Council will require the provision of affordable housing:

  1. on those sites specifically identified and reserved for such purposes on the LDP maps
  2. on all sites of 30 or more houses proposed in the Kilmarnock and Loudoun sub-housing market area – within such developments, at least 25% of houses will require to be affordable in nature

The Council's preference is that affordable housing will be delivered on-site.

Note 1

Early discussion with the Council's Planning and Housing Services will be required to establish the most appropriate mix of affordable housing to be provided. Affordable Housing can cover a wide range of end users including families, older and ambulant people with disabilities, and young people that are vulnerable.

Note 2

If a new planning application is submitted which would increase the overall capacity of a site, the additional units only would be required to meet the terms of this policy. Where a new application relates to amendments which would not affect overall capacity, for example, changes to layout or house types, the terms of the policy would not apply.

Supplementary Guidance on affordable housing will support this policy.

Policy RES3: Residential amenity

The Council will protect and enhance the residential character and amenity of existing residential areas. In this regard, there will be a general presumption against:

  1. the establishment of non-residential uses within, or in close proximity to, residential areas which are likely to have detrimental effects on local amenity and cause unacceptable disturbance to local residents
  2. the development for other uses of safeguarded open space, other, non-safeguarded locally important areas of recreational or amenity open space which contribute significantly to the character and appearance of the residential area concerned, or which offer opportunities for outdoor sport and recreation
  3. the removal of play equipment and/or opportunities for children to play from areas of recreational open space
  4. the closure or disruption of existing paths which provide important links between housing areas and areas of public open space, local shops and other community facilities, transportation nodes and so on
  5. alterations and extensions to existing buildings, including residential dwellings, which detract from residential amenity

With regard to the establishment of new residential areas, new housing developments will not be permitted in locations where existing, established adjacent uses are likely to have an unacceptable impact on the amenity of future residents.

Supplementary Guidance on design will support policy RES3 (v).

Policy RES4: Compact growth

In line with NPF4's 20 Minute Neighbourhoods principles, the Plan aims to achieve a compact model of growth that makes optimal use of available land and enables local living, especially in central locations within settlements where more population would benefit from, and would help maintain the vitality and viability of, shops, services and public transport.

The Council will seek that residential development proposals are of an appropriate density, having regard at all times to the character of the surrounding area, the principles set out in Policy DES1 and to site-specific requirements as set out in Volume 2 and in any relevant supplementary guidance.

Higher densities are appropriate on-sites within 800m of town centre boundaries and on-sites especially accessible from good quality public transport, such as areas within 800m of railway stations. Development of a higher density should:

  1. ensure that it protects and enhances the character, amenity, and environmental quality of the surrounding area, in particular within established residential areas
  2. deliver the increased density by virtue of appropriate building typologies (i.e. terraces, flats) and never by any reduction of the provision of private open space which shall comply with the requirements of Policy OS1 and Schedule 1
  3. create an attractive built environment by meeting the provisions of Policy DES1 and the Design Supplementary Guidance

Policy RES5: Conversions to residential use

Within both settlements and the rural area, the Council will be supportive of proposals relating to the conversion of properties to residential use, where all of the following criteria can be met:

  • the Council is satisfied that the structural condition of the building is suitable for its conversion to residential use. A structural engineer's report may be required in this regard
  • the proposal reflects the style and design of the original building located on the site
  • any extension proposed in association with the conversion is of an appropriate size and scale, commensurate and in keeping with the size and scale of the existing building, which should be substantially intact, to which the conversion relates

Within rural areas, Council support for the conversion of properties to residential use will be restricted to:

  1. the conversion of large residential properties or other residential uses of an institutional or care related nature into smaller residential units; or
  2. the conversion of traditionally designed and constructed, nonresidential buildings of a domestic scale; or
  3. the subdivision of an existing residential dwelling – only one subdivision of a dwelling will be permitted per plan period. Any subdivision should result in accommodation of an adequate size and quality, without the requirement for extensions, and not cause amenity or access issues

The conversion to residential use of modern, purpose built, large scale storage barns, byres, cubicle houses, stables or other outbuildings constructed of non-traditional materials such as breeze blocks, corrugated iron, profiled sheeting and so on, will not be supported by the Council

Policy RES6: Gypsy/Traveller and Travelling Showpeople sites

The Council will assess any applications for permanent and temporary, private or publicly owned Gypsy/Traveller sites and family yards and Travelling Showpeople yards, including on land not identified for this use in the development plan, and support development of such sites where a need is identified and the proposal is otherwise consistent with the plan spatial strategy and other relevant policies, including human rights and equality.

Policy RES 7: Non-permanent dwellings

The use of caravans and non-permanent dwellings on-sites other than those specifically authorised for such purposes will not be permitted. However, temporary consent may be granted in the following circumstances:

  1. where on-site accommodation is required pending the construction of a permanent dwelling; or
  2. where on-site accommodation is required to accommodate an agricultural worker for a limited period while a new farm unit is becoming established and where this can be fully justified to meet operational requirements; or
  3. where on-site accommodation is required in connection with an authorised business or industrial development for the period within which the business or industry is becoming established on-site and where this can be justified to meet operational requirements; or
  4. where a temporary, proven, site specific locational need can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Council

Contact Information

Planning & Economic Development
Telephone: 01563 576790