The East Ayrshire Local Development Plan (EALDP) was adopted on 3 April 2017.
The adopted Plan comprises:
Action programme
A Local Development Plan Action Programme (PDF 3.43Mb) supports the delivery of the EALDP and sets out the actions and partnerships that are necessary to implement the strategy and proposals of the plan.
The Action Programme was reviewed and updated in 2019 and had a second Local Development Plan Action Programme Update (PDF 4.80Mb) in 2021.
Environmental report
The Environmental Report (PDF 5.25Mb) provides an assessment of the environmental impacts and mitigation measures for these where appropriate.
The Post-adoption Statement (PDF 873Kb) has been prepared to demonstrate how the findings of the Strategic Environmental Assessment process have been incorporated into the LDP.
Equalities impact assessment
An Equalities Impact Assessment (PDF 1.69Mb) of the proposed plan has also been carried out and a summary of this is available. The post-Adoption Statement has been prepared to demonstrate how the findings of the Strategic Environmental Assessment process have been incorporated into the LDP.
Supplementary guidance
Supplementary guidance associated with the plan is also available.
EALDP policy index
View a full list of all LDP policies and links
Background to the EALDP 2017
Prior to adoption, and an examination into all unresolved issues in relation to the Proposed Local Development Plan was held by Scottish Government Reporters between November 2015 and November 2016. The Reporter’s final report detailing all findings and recommendations are available in the Examination Report (PDF 1.94Mb).
Further details on the examination of the Plan can be accessed at Scottish Government: Planning and Environmental Appeals Division. Enter the reference LDP-190-2 in the 'Search by case reference' field.
The modifications made as a result of the Examination can be accessed below:
The Proposed Plan as modified was considered by Council on the 23 February 2017 and adopted on the 3 April 2017.
View information on the Council meetings
Further background papers that may be of interest comprise:
Development plan scheme
The East Ayrshire Local Development Plan Scheme sets out our programme for preparing and reviewing the Local Development Plan and outlines what is likely to be involved at each stage of the plan preparation process.