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Monthly performance figures for Building Warrant applications received, processed and determined by the Building Standards Section this year.

From May 2016 the annual statistics were changed to show the financial year. Previous years' annual performance figures are also available.

View the performance figures archive.

Monthly performance figures

2024/2025AprMayJun     Jul     Aug     Sep     Oct     Nov     Dec     Jan     Feb     Mar
Building Warrants received (1) 56 53  63                   
% of Building Warrant applications processed within 15 working days (2) 98%  100% 100%                  
% of Building Warrant applications processed within 20 working days (3) 98%  100% 100%                  
and assessed within an average of  5 days 4   days 5 days                  
Building Warrants determined (4) 71 65 36                  
% of Building Warrants determined within 6 days of receipt of all outstanding information (5) 97% 95% 100%                  
Received Completion Certificate submissions (6) 97 66 133                  
which were inspected within an average of  1   day 1    day    2 days                  
% of Completion Certificates determined within 3 days of the final inspection (7) 99% 100% 100%                  
Inspected Property complaints relating to enforcement (8)  15 7 13                  
Enforcement notices issued in relation to unauthorised works or dangerous buildings (9) 1 0 2                  
Average time to determine Building Warrants  10 weeks 17 weeks   24 weeks                                       


Key numberDescription
1 Building Warrant applications received
2 % of Building Warrant applications processed within 15 working days of being valid
3 % of Building Warrant applications within 20 working days of being valid and assessed within an average of X days
4 Building Warrant applications
5 % of Building Warrants within six days of receipt of all outstanding information
6 Completion Certificate submissions which were inspected within an average of one day
7 % of Completion Certificates within three days of the final inspection being carried out
8 Property Complaints relating to enforcement issues
9 Enforcement Notices in relation to Unauthorised works or dangerous buildings

Contact Information


Building Standards
Telephone: 01563 576790