Complaints about the standard of food establishments or the quality of food are managed by our Environmental Health service which is responsible for food safety in East Ayrshire.
Depending on the circumstances, we will decide on what appropriate action is required and this may include some or all of the following:
- send a sample to the analyst and we will collect this and take it to the lab without undue delay, accompanied by the necessary details
- we will visit the establishment which sold the product to obtain more information and any remaining stock will be examined and maybe withdrawn or seized
- we will inform the seller, manufacturer or importer either by telephone or letter, depending on the circumstances, as soon as it becomes apparent that the complaint may be substantiated
- we will inform the home or originating authority of the manufacturer
- if the investigation shows a problem outside our own area it may be necessary to inform other local authorities or in extreme cases, the Food Standards Agency so that they can instigate a food alert or a product recall
Contact us if you have a complaint.