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East Ayrshire Council currently licence four categories of animal boarding establishments; dog boarding, cat boarding, home boarding for dogs and commercial day boarding for dogs (doggy day care).

An applicant must not be disqualified from any of the following at the time of the application:

  • The Animal Boarding Establishment Act 1963
  • The Pet Animals Act 1951
  • The Protection of Animals (Amendment) Act 1954
  • The Protection of Animals (Cruelty to Dogs) (Scotland) Act 1934

Please note that as part of the consultation process for the grant of a licence, your premises will be inspected by the Council’s appointed veterinary surgeon and the fees incurred in relation to this will be subject to a separate invoice.

Licence fee

 Type of licence Fee
 Animal boarding  £101
Any veterinary inspection fees are in addition to the fee of £101.

Apply for a licence or renewal

Please complete the application form and submit to On receipt of the application a member of the Licensing Section will contact you for payment.

The licence will be granted for a period of one year.

Online via our GLAMIS system 

You can also download and print the application form below:

Application for animal boarding licence (PDF 124Kb)

Legislation Animal Boarding Establishments Act 1963

Licence conditions

The undernoted conditions will be attached to a licence. The Licensing Section may also add additional conditions where necessary.

Animal boarding (dogs) conditions

Licence display

  1. Businesses operating boarding establishments must be inspected and have a licence.
  2. A copy of the licence must be displayed to the public in a prominent position in, on or about the boarding establishment and a copy of the conditions available.

Animal welfare

Need for a suitable diet

  1. Animals must have access to fresh water at all times.
  2. All animals must be provided with a diet to maintain full health and vigour, appropriate to the animal’s needs.

Need for a suitable environment

  1. All animals must be provided with an appropriate environment including shelter, and a comfortable resting area which should be above ground level.

Need to be free from pain, injury or disease

  1. Any sick or injured animal must receive appropriate care and treatment without delay  Veterinary advice should be sought whenever necessary.
  2. It is recommended that boarders have medical insurance to cover most emergency medical problems.
  3. All animal housing and exercise areas should be in a good state of repair to prevent injuries as far as reasonably possible.

Need to express normal behaviour patterns

  1. Pre-screening of dogs shall be undertaken to ensure that they will be comfortable in the presence of other dogs and will not be a danger to other dogs and staff.
  2. Written consent of the dog’s owner shall be obtained before interaction with other dogs.
  3. All animals must be provided with sufficient space to allow for normal behaviour (see kennel sizes information at the end of the conditions).
  4. All animals must be given the opportunity for daily human interaction and stimulation.


  1. Dogs must be exercised in accordance with their owner’s wishes. If dogs are taken off the premises, they must be exercised in such a manner as will ensure adequate control is maintained at all times.
  2. Where dogs are exercised off-premises, the number of dogs exercised at any one time by any one person shall be restricted to a number such as will enable the person exercising the dogs to immediately remove any faeces deposited by an animal being exercised, to ensure compliance with the relevant provisions in the Dog Fouling (Scotland) Act 2003.
  3. Animals housed in indoor accommodation (an inside kennel unit with no attached run) must be let out of their accommodation at suitable and regular intervals (it is recommended that this be a minimum of twice per day for a minimum total of one hour).

Need to be free from fear and distress

  1. All establishments must provide conditions and care for animals which avoid fear and distress.
  2. No dog registered under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 must be accepted for day boarding.
  3. Dog hybrids registered under the Dangerous Wild Animal Act 1976 (such as wolf hybrids) are not to be accepted for day boarding.
  4. Dogs subject to Dog Control Notices under the Control of Dogs (Scotland) Act 2010 are not to be accepted for day boarding

Operational management


  1. All animal accommodation including corridors, common areas, kitchens etc must be kept clean, dry and free from accumulations of dirt and dust and must be kept in such a manner as to be conducive to maintenance of disease control and dog comfort.
  2. All occupied accommodation must be cleaned at least once daily and communal areas cleaned between exercise periods, a minimum of twice daily.
  3. All bedding must be kept clean and dry as far as reasonably possible.
  4. Upon vacation, a dog unit including all fittings and bedding must be thoroughly cleaned, disinfected and dried, before another dog is placed in the unit.
  5. Facilities mist be provided for the proper storage and disposal of all waste.
  6. Measures must be taken to minimise the risks from rodents and other pests within the establishment.

Kitchen facilities

  1. There should be a suitable ‘fit for purpose’ area that is used exclusively for the storage and preparation of boarders meals.
  2. All animal feeds must be stored appropriately.
  3. All eating and drinking bowls must be capable of being easily cleaned and disinfected to prevent cross-contamination. They must be maintained in a clean condition.
  4. All feeding bowls must be cleaned after each meal. Drinking bowls must be cleaned at least once a day.

Temperature in kennels 

  1. An adequate procedure should be put in place to protect dogs from extremes of temperature (minimum of 10ºC  and maximum of 26ºC). 
  2. Heating facilities must be available in the sleeping area of the dog unit and used according to the requirements of the individual dog.
  3. Heating appliances must not be sited in a location or manner where they may present a risk of fire, or risk to dogs.

Disease control and vaccination 

  1. Adequate precautions must be taken to prevent and control the spread of disease and parasites amongst the dogs.
  2. Before admittance to the kennels, verification of current vaccination or acceptable titer levels must be obtained. Proof must be provided that dogs have current vaccinations against canine distemper, infectious canine hepatitis, leptospirosis, kennel cough, canine parvovirus and other relevant diseases.  With the exception of where a bitch and her pups are boarded together the course of vaccination must have been completed at least four weeks before the first date of boarding or in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. A record that this proof has been supplied must be kept on site throughout the period that the dog has boarded.
  3. A first aid kit suitable for use on dogs must be available and accessible on site.
  4. A suitable range of muzzles of varying sizes and a suitable dog catching device must be kept on site. Staff must be fully trained in the use of this equipment.

Supervision of animals

  1. A competent person must be present at all times whenever dogs are boarded at the premises.
  2. Dogs must be visited at regular intervals as necessary for their health, safety and welfare.

Staff management

  1. A written training policy must be provided. Systematic training of staff must be demonstrated to have been carried out.

Kennel administration and management


  1. A register must be kept of all dogs boarded. The information kept must include the following:
    • date of arrival
    • name of dog
    • description, breed, age and gender of dog
    • name, address and telephone number of owner or keeper
    • name and telephone number of local contact person whilst boarded
    • name and address and telephone number of the dog’s veterinary surgeon
    • anticipated and actual date of departure, and
    • health, welfare and nutrition requirements
  1. The register shall be available for inspection at all reasonable times by an officer of the local authority or an authorised veterinary surgeon.
  2. The register must be kept readily available for a minimum period of two years and kept in such a manner as to allow an authorised officer easy access to such information.
  3. Details of any medication administered must be recorded including type of medication, quantity and time administered.
  4. Where records are computerised, a back-up copy must be kept.  The register must also be available to key members of staff of the establishment at all times.

Identification of kennels

  1. Each kennel must be clearly marked (such as numbered).
  2. A system must be put in place to ensure that relevant information about the dog in that kennel is readily available (such as a wipe clean board or a card clipped to the front of the kennel).

Fire/emergency procedures

  1. Appropriate steps must be taken for the protection of the dogs in case of fire or other emergencies.
  2. A proper emergency evacuation plan and fire warning procedure must be drawn up and posted on the premises. This must include instructions on where dogs are to be evacuated to in the event of a fire or other emergency.
  3. Fire fighting equipment must be provided in accordance with advice given by the fire safety officer.
  4. There must be adequate means of raising an alarm in the event of a fire or other emergency.
  5. Advice must be sought from the safety officer to ensure compliance with fire safety requirements.
  6. Precautions must be taken to prevent any accumulation which may present a risk of fire.
  7. All electrical installations and appliances must be maintained in a safe condition with no loose trailing cables.
  8. All heating appliances must be free of risk of fire as is reasonably practicable.
  9. The establishment must have a standard procedure in place for dealing with dogs that have escaped. This should include:
    • All staff must be trained in dealing with escaped dogs
    • In the event of a dog escaping, the dog owner and local authority must be contacted immediately
    • Equipment must be available for securing dogs which have escaped. All staff must be trained in the use of such equipment.
  1. There must be a written emergency plan which must be on display and known to staff.



  1. The dog day boarding establishment must, at all times, be laid out and operated in accordance with an approved plan, to be submitted to the local authority. The licence only applies to the approved plan. Before carrying out any alterations, plans must be submitted to and approved by the local authority.
  2. All new units must be built on a concrete base with a damp-proof membrane to Building Regulation standards. The concrete floor should have a minimum fall of 1 in 80 towards a drainage channel located outwith the individual enclosure. The drainage channel should discharge into either the mains sewerage system, or into a collection chamber where solids can be removed for disposal, and liquids can be further drained into a soakaway.


  1. Fencing materials must be secure and safe. Fences and/or other barriers must be of sufficient height to prevent dogs from escaping and prevent access by persons not connected or employed by the establishment. Where metal bars and frames are used they must be of suitable gauge with spacing adequate to prevent dogs escaping or becoming entrapped. Any metal edging must not present a risk of injury. Doors, fences and/or barriers must be of adequate strength and construction to resist impact and scratching and must be of sufficient height to prevent dogs from escaping and to prevent access by persons not connected or employed with the establishment.
  2. A double gate system shall be provided at the entrance/exit to the premises to permit a phased access and egress and thus prevent the escape of dogs.
  3. The general construction must be such that the security of dogs is ensured.
  4. All doors must be secure and lockable and gates secured at all times to prevent dogs from escaping and to prevent access by persons not associated with the business.  External exercise areas must not permit persons not connected to or employed by the establishment to have access to dogs.

Internal and external surfaces 

  1. Wood should not be used in exposed construction of walls, floors, partitions, door frames or doors within the dog indoor common area. There must be no projections liable to cause injury. Where wood has been used in existing construction it must be smooth and treated to render it impervious.
  2. All exterior wood must be properly treated against wood rot, such as tanalised. Only non-toxic products may be used.
  3. All internal surfaces used in the construction of walls, floors, partitions, doors and door frames is to be durable, smooth and impervious and capable of being easily cleaned and disinfected where necessary. There must be no projections or rough edges liable to cause injury.
  4. Walls with which dogs may come into contact must be of smooth impervious materials capable of being easily cleansed.
  5. Floor finishes of areas used by dogs shall be smooth, impervious and capable of being easily cleansed.
  6. Junctions between the walls and floors in areas used by dogs shall be covered to facilitate cleaning. Where it is impractical to do this, all joints must be sealed.
  7. All internal furnishings shall be maintained in a sound condition to permit thorough cleaning and disinfection. Such furnishings shall be inspected on a daily basis for damage or disrepair. Any damage or ripped items of furniture shall be immediately repaired or replaced. No carpet material or rugs are to be used within the boarding establishment.

Windows, lighting and ventilation 

  1. All windows which pose a security risk must be escape proof at all times.
  2. Adequate lighting must be provided throughout the establishment such that all areas accessible to dogs are clearly visible. Where practicable this means must be natural light.
  3. Adequate ventilation must be provided to all interior areas without the creation of excessive localised draughts.


  1. The interior and exterior of the buildings should be maintained in good repair and good decorative order. Outer paths, gardens, exercise areas and general surroundings must be kept in a good clean presentable condition.

Number of animals

Number of dogs boarded

  1. The maximum number of dogs to be kept at any one time shall be as stated on the licence according to the guidelines and measurements included in the Pet Care Trade Association Model Licence Conditions and Guidance Notes for Dog Boarding Establishments.
  2. Each dog must be provided with a separate kennel except dogs from the same household/family may share a kennel of adequate size with the written consent of the dog’s owners.
  3. Holding kennels may be provided for temporarily kennelling a dog for not more than 24 hours.
  4. No animals other than dogs are to be boarded within the licensed facilities.
  5. Where stray dogs are accepted by the kennels they must be kept in a separate area away from boarded dogs.

Kennel sizes       

  1. All kennels must offer adequate floor area to allow the dog sufficient room to move without hindrance.
  2. For new build kennels, each kennel must be provided with a covered run.
  3. Kennels and run areas must open onto secure corridors or other secure areas, so that dogs are not able to escape from premises.
  4. Exercise areas must not be used as sleeping areas.

Exercise facilities/play areas

  1. In new build, kennels must offer out of kennel exercise/play areas where appropriate in addition to the run.
  2. In new build, exercise areas must be of sufficient size to allow dogs to run free and must be a minimum of 100 metre squared with a shortest length of 10 metres.
  3. An effective hygiene and cleaning procedure should be established to minimise the risk of infection.
  4. In establishments without the exercise/play areas a dog walking system must be implemented.
  5. Kennel and run sizes for new build kennels and refurbishments from 2011 - note recommended minimum widths of 1.2 metres. 
Kennel and run sizes
Dog SizesSleeping areaExercise areaTotal area 
Dogs under 40-55cm at the shoulder 2.5 metres squared 2.5 metres squared 5 metres squared
Dogs over 55cm at the shoulder 3 metres squared 3.5 metres squared 6.5 metres squared

When more than one dog is boarded in the same kennel, the minimum size for the kennel must be increased. It is recommended that this be by an additional 20% per dog.

When dogs of different sizes are boarded together, the shoulder height of the larger dog should be used.

Additional information  

The licence shall remain in force until the end of the year to which it relates and then expire. Application for renewal of the licence, accompanied by the requisite fee should be made on the appropriate form to the head of legal services at least four weeks before the date of expiry of the licence.

Any person aggrieved by any condition subject to which a licence is granted may appeal to the sheriff and the sheriff may on such an appeal give such directions with respect to the conditions subject to which a licence is to be granted and he thinks proper.

In the event of the death of a person who is keeping an animal boarding establishment at any premises under the authority of a licence granted by the licensing authority, the licence shall be deemed to have been granted to his personal representatives in respect of those premises and shall remain in force until the end of the period of three months from the date of the date of the death and shall then expire. The licensing authority may, however, on the application of those representatives, extend or further extend the said period of three months, if they are satisfied that the extension is necessary for the purpose of winding up the deceased’s estate and that no other circumstances make it undesirable.

The licensing authority, must be advised immediately of any proposed changes in the circumstances such as alterations or additions to the premises or an increase in the number of animals to be catered for.

Any person who requires to and fails to apply for a licence under this act shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine as detailed in the Animal Boarding Establishments Act 1963 as amended.

Guide to terminology used in conditions

Kennel – an inside kennel unit and sleeping area used for housing the dogs

Run – an enclosed area directly adjoined to and exclusive to the kennel

Exercise/play area – a large fenced area used for exercising dogs and not used for housing dogs.

Animal boarding (doggy day care)

General conditions

  1. Unless otherwise stated, these conditions shall apply to all buildings and areas to which the dogs have access and/or which are used in association with the day boarding of dogs.
  2. The licence holder must not change, cause or permit to be made any material change to the premises or licensed activity without the prior consent of the local authority.
  3. Adequate insurance indemnity should be arranged by the operator of the premises.  This should be maintained at a sufficient level to cover the maximum number of dogs boarded.  Adequate employer’s liability and public liability insurance shall be provided.  Certificates of insurance shall be displayed in a prominent position.
  4. It is recommended that boarders have medical insurance to cover most emergency medical problems.
  5. No dog registered under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 must be accepted for day boarding.
  6. Dog hybrids registered under the Dangerous Wild Animal Act 1976 (such as wolf hybrids) are not to be accepted for day boarding.
  7. Dogs subject to Dog Control Notices under the Control of Dogs (Scotland) Act 2010 are not to be accepted for day boarding.
  8. No animals other than dogs are to be boarded at the facility.
  9. Dogs are not permitted to be boarded overnight.
  10. A copy of the licence and its conditions must be suitably displayed to the public in a prominent position at the boarding establishment. All dog owners must be made aware of where the licence is displayed and the conditions attached to the licence.
  11. A maximum number of dogs kept at any time in the premises shall be as stated on the licence.
  12. All dogs attending the establishment should wear a collar and/or tag identifying the name and address of the owner.
  13. The premises shall be operated in such a way as to avoid statutory nuisance to occupiers of neighbouring properties.

Construction and maintenance


  1. The dog day boarding establishment must, at all times, be laid out and operated in accordance with an approved plan, to be submitted to the local authority. The licence only applies to the approved plan. Before carrying out any alterations, plans must be submitted to and approved by the local authority.
  2. All new units must be built on a concrete base with a damp-proof membrane to Building Regulation standards. The concrete floor should have a minimum fall of one in 80 towards a drainage channel located outwith the individual enclosure. The drainage channel should discharge into either the mains sewerage system, or into a collection chamber where solids can be removed for disposal, and liquids can be further drained into a soakaway.
  3. External areas accessible to dogs must be suitably drained. Internal drainage to be adequate to prevent ponding of water.


  1. Fencing materials must be secure and safe. Fences and/or other barriers must be of sufficient height to prevent dogs from escaping and prevent access by persons not connected or employed by the establishment. Where metal bars and frames are used they must be of suitable gauge with spacing adequate to prevent dogs escaping or becoming entrapped. Any metal edging must not present a risk of injury. Doors, fences and/or barriers must be of adequate strength and construction to resist impact and scratching and must be of sufficient height to prevent dogs from escaping and to prevent access by persons not connected or employed with the establishment.
  2. A double gate system shall be provided at the entrance/exit to the premises to permit a phased access and egress and thus prevent the escape of dogs.
  3. The general construction must be such that the security of dogs is ensured.
  4. All doors must be secure and lockable and gates secured at all times to prevent dogs from escaping and to prevent access by persons not associated with the business.  External exercise areas must not permit persons not connected to or employed by the establishment to have access to dogs.

Internal and external surfaces

  1. Wood should not be used in exposed construction of walls, floors, partitions, door frames or doors within the dog indoor common area. There must be no projections liable to cause injury. Where wood has been used in existing construction it must be smooth and treated to render it impervious.
  2. All exterior wood must be properly treated against wood rot, such as tanalised. Only non-toxic products may be used.
  3. All internal surfaces used in the construction of walls, floors, partitions, doors and door frames is to be durable, smooth and impervious and capable of being easily cleaned and disinfected where necessary. There must be no projections or rough edges liable to cause injury.
  4. Walls with which dogs may come into contact must be of smooth impervious materials capable of being easily cleansed.
  5. Floor finishes of areas used by dogs shall be smooth, impervious and capable of being easily cleansed.
  6. Junctions between the walls and floors in areas used by dogs shall be covered to facilitate cleaning. Where it is impractical to do this, all joints must be sealed
  7. All internal furnishings shall be maintained in a sound condition to permit thorough cleaning and disinfection. Such furnishings shall be inspected on a daily basis for damage or disrepair. Any damage or ripped items of furniture shall be immediately repaired or replaced. Carpet material or rugs used within the boarding establishment must be adequately cleaned, disinfected or replaced as necessary.


  1. All windows which pose a security risk must be escape proof at all times.
  2. Adequate lighting must be provided throughout the establishment such that all areas accessible to dogs are clearly visible. Where practicable this means must be natural light.
  3. Adequate ventilation must be provided to all interior areas without the creation of excessive localised draughts.


  1. The interior and exterior of the buildings should be maintained in good repair and good decorative order. Outer paths, gardens, exercise areas and general surroundings must be kept in a good clean presentable condition.
  2. Arrangements must be made with the Waste Collection Authority or a waste management contractor authorised for the purposes of the duty of care, for removal of wastes from the establishment under the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

Kitchen facilities

  1. A separate area clearly demarked and hygienically constructed shall be provided for the storage and preparation of dog/puppy food.
  2. A sink with hot and cold water must be provided for the washing of food and drinking vessels. A separate wash hand basin with hot and cold water must be provided for staff use in an accessible area.
  3. Suitable refrigeration shall be provided for the storage of dog/puppy food unless only shelf-stable food such as cans are used and any leftover food is discarded.
  4. Equipment must be capable of being cleaned and disinfected. Equipment must be cleaned and disinfected as required.
  5. Suitable containers must be provided for the storage of food and shall be so constructed and kept in good order, repair and condition as to protect against access by insects and other pests.


  1. All indoor areas used by dogs must be kept clean and free from accumulations of dirt and must be kept in such a manner as to be conducive to maintenance of disease control and dog comfort.
  2. All excreta and soiled material must be removed immediately from communal areas used by dogs and as soon as practicable from the isolation kennels or other areas used to house dogs
  3. All fittings, bedding and towels must be thoroughly cleaned as required.
  4. Facilities must be provided for the proper reception storage and disposal of all waste.
  5. All cleaning chemicals and materials used must not be harmful to dogs and must be stored in a secure cupboard or cabinet.
  6. Measures must be taken to minimise the risk from rodents, insects and other pests within the establishment.


  1. Suitable and safe means shall be provided for heating the common indoor areas or a sufficient size section to accommodate the number of dogs being boarded and which should be heated according to the requirements of individual dogs.
  2. A maximum temperature of 26°C (79°F) should not be exceeded in normal circumstances.  A minimum temperature of 10°C (50°F) is required.  Dogs must always have free access to an area where the temperature does not fall below 10°C (50°F).  This should equate to 1metre squared per dog.
  3. Adequate shade shall be provided in outdoor areas to protect animals from direct sunshine.

Animal welfare

  1. Written consent by the dog’s owner shall be obtained before interaction with other dogs.
  2. Pre-screening of dogs shall be undertaken to ensure that they will be comfortable in the presence of other dogs and will not be a danger to other dogs or staff.
  3. Any injuries which occur to dogs in the care of the licence holder must be recorded and such records will be retained and made available for inspection by the local authority officer at all reasonable times.
  4. Due to the unique arrangements within the day boarding establishment which allows the free mixing of dogs, all dogs over the age of six months old shall be neutered/dressed.
  5. A suitable range of muzzles of varying sizes and a suitable dog catching device must be kept on site. Staff must be trained in the use of such equipment.
  6. If puppies are to be accepted on the premises there must be a separate area provided.
  7. There must be a method of review to ensure that dogs are excluded if they exhibit any aggressive behaviour.
  8. Resting facilities shall be provided for “time out” for vulnerable, bullied or tired dogs.

Disease control and vaccinations

  1. Adequate precautions must be taken to prevent and control the spread of infectious and contagious disease and parasites amongst the dogs, staff and visitors.
  2. Communal water facilities with static water such as baths and troughs are not permitted as they are considered to present a potential route for the spread of infection.  Communal water facilities must have continual running or flowing water.
  3. Dogs attending the day care facility must have current vaccinations against canine distemper, kennel cough, infectious canine hepatitis, leptospirosis, canine parvovirus and other relevant diseases. Annual vaccinations must thereafter be kept up-to-date. A copy of all up-to-date certificates must be kept on site throughout the period that the dog attends the day care facility and shall be made available to officers of the licensing authority for inspection on request.
  4. The first complete course of vaccinations must have been completed at least four weeks before the first date of boarding.
  5. No sick animals shall be admitted to the premises.
  6. Advice from a veterinary surgeon must be sought in the case of signs of disease, injury or illness. Where any dog is sick or injured any instructions for its treatment which have been given by a veterinary surgeon must be strictly followed.
  7. Following the diagnosis of an infectious disease the establishment must undergo a reasonable quarantine period based on veterinary advice.
  8. The licence holder must inform the local authority by the next working day of any dog boarded in the establishment that develops an infectious disease.
  9. The local authority must be informed of the death of any dog in the establishment by the next working day.
  10. A well stocked first aid kit suitable for use on dogs must be available and accessible on site.
  11. The licence holder should be registered with a veterinary practice that can provide advice and assistance. Details of the owner’s vets must also be known. A telephone contact number of the veterinary surgeon used by the establishment or, if appropriate, the individual dogs should be displayed in a suitable place, close to the telephone and accessible to all members of staff.
  12. Dogs exercised outwith the premises must be kept on a lead at all times unless being exercised in a safe and secure area e.g. in a field with the gates closed and with written consent of the owner. A risk assessment must be carried out to ensure that the appropriate number of dogs are exercised by a particular person.
  13. Where dogs are exercised off-premises, the number of dogs exercised at any one time by any one person shall be restricted to a number such as will enable the person exercising the dogs to immediately remove any faeces deposited by an animal being exercised, to ensure compliance with the relevant provisions of the Dog Fouling (Scotland) Act 2003.

Isolation facilities

  1. Suitable isolation facilities must be provided with adequate heating and ventilation, to house any sick or injured dog until such time as it can be returned to its owner or transported to a vet. There must be a means of maintaining the temperature within the isolation facilities at a level suitable for the condition of the dog dependent on veterinary advice.
  2. Isolation facilities must be separate and physically isolated from the main activity areas. The separation distance must be a minimum of five metres.
  3. Adequate facilities shall be provided to prevent the spread of infectious disease between the isolation facilities and communal dog areas.
  4. Hands must be washed after leaving the isolation facilities and before visiting any other area used to house dogs.
  5. A register must be kept of all dogs attending the facility. The information kept must include the following:
    • date of first attending and days of week normally attended by each dog
    • name of dog, any identification system such as microchip number or tattoo
    • description, breed, age and gender of dog
    • name, address and telephone number of owner or keeper
    • name, address and telephone number of dog’s veterinary surgeon
    • health, welfare and nutrition requirements
    • emergency contact details
    • written agreement in respect of emergency veterinary treatment
  1. The register shall be available for inspection at all reasonable times by an officer of the local authority or an authorised veterinary surgeon.
  2. The register must be kept readily available for a minimum period of two years and kept in such a manner as to allow an authorised officer easy access to such information.
  3. Details of any medication administered must be recorded including type of medication, quantity and time administered.
  4. Where records are computerised, a back-up copy must be kept. The register must also be available to key members of staff of the establishment at all times.


  1. Adequate staffing will be necessary to ensure animal safety when interacting.
  2. A fit and proper person with relevant experience must be nominated and be present at all times to exercise supervision and deal with any emergencies. Employees must not be under the age of 16 and no one under the age of 18 shall be a nominated person
  3. At no time shall dogs in the common indoor and outdoor areas be left unsupervised.

Staff training

  1. Staff should be adequately trained in the safe handling of dogs, emergency procedures to be followed, and all other aspects of the licence conditions pertinent to their work.
  2. A written training policy must be provided for permanent, part time and seasonal workers.

Transportation of dogs

  1. All vehicles used by the establishment for the transportation of dogs must be regularly serviced and kept clean. They must be fitted with secure cages of adequate size for the safe transportation of dogs and be provided with adequate ventilation. All vehicles must be secure and should not be left unattended other than to drop off or pick up dogs.
  2. Journeys must be planned to minimise the time dogs spend in the vehicle. On journeys likely to last more than two hours and during exceptionally hot days water must be available in the vehicle.
  3. The licence holder must provide a well stocked first aid kit suitable for use on dogs and available in all vehicles used to transport dogs.

Water supply

  1. Wholesome water must be available at all times and changed frequently throughout the day.

Fire/emergency precautions

  1. Appropriate steps must be taken for the protection of the dogs in case of fire or other emergencies.
  2. A proper emergency evacuation plan and fire warning procedure must be drawn up and posted on the premises. This must include instructions on where dogs are to be evacuated to in the event of a fire or other emergency.
  3. Fire fighting equipment must be provided in accordance with advice given by the Fire Safety Officer.
  4. There must be adequate means of raising an alarm in the event of a fire or other emergency.
  5. Advice must be sought from the Fire Safety Officer to ensure compliance with fire safety requirements.
  6. Precautions must be taken to prevent any accumulation which may present a risk of fire.
  7. All electrical installations and appliances must be maintained in a safe condition with no loose trailing cables.
  8. All heating appliances must be free of risk of fire as is reasonably practicable.
  9. The establishment must have a standard procedure in place for dealing with dogs that have escaped. This should include:
    • all staff must be trained in dealing with escaped dogs
    • in the event of a dog escaping, the dog owner and local authority must be contacted immediately
    • equipment must be available for securing dogs which have escaped, all staff must be trained in the use of such equipment
  1. There must be a written emergency plan which must be on display and known to staff. 

Animal boarding (home boarding dogs)

General conditions

  1. Unless otherwise stated these conditions shall apply to all buildings and areas to which dogs have access and/or which are used in association with the home boarding of dogs.
  2. The licensee must ensure that the establishment is covered by adequate and suitable public liability insurance, and where necessary, adequate and suitable employers liability insurance.  In addition to this it is recommended that care, custody and control insurance is in place.
  3. No dog registered under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 must be accepted for home boarding.
  4. Dog hybrids registered under the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976 (e.g. wolf hybrids) are not to be accepted for home boarding.
  5. Dogs subject to Dog Control Notices served under the Control of Dogs (Scotland) Act 2010 are not to be accepted for home boarding.
  6. Entire males and bitches in season or bitches due to be in season during the boarding must not be boarded together or boarded with resident dogs.
  7. Dogs under six months shall only be boarded if they are suitably vaccinated and difficulties have not been identified during a trial socialisation period.  There is an exception for puppies where they are being boarded with the mother or siblings, provided no other dogs are boarded on the premises at any time.
  8. A copy of the licence and its associated conditions and a certificate of insurance shall be made available to each client
  9. The maximum number of day boarders to be kept at any one time shall be as stated on the licence.
  10. The maximum number of night boarders to be kept at any one time shall be as stated on the licence.
  11. Dogs must not be boarded with any cat, unless they normally live together in the same household, or there is prior agreement with the client and difficulties have not been identified during a trial socialisation period.
  12. Only dogs from the same household may be boarded at the same time unless the following precautions are taken:
    • Specific written consent of each household is given, showing confirmation that they are content for their dogs to be boarded with others
    • A mandatory trial (documented) familiarisation session for all dogs prior to stay
    • Separation of dogs from different households in secure areas when left unattended
    • Separate feeding of dogs (unless from the same family and normally fed together) to minimise the likelihood of dispute and aggression
  1. The Licensee will be required to make an assessment of the risks of home boarding to include the risk to or caused by children who are likely to be at the property
  2. The means of transportation, dogs, premises and anything therein and the Register may be inspected at all reasonable times by a local authority officer or veterinary surgeon authorised by the local authority under Section 2(1) of the Act.
  3. Dogs must wear a collar and tag during the stay of boarding.  The tag must be made of durable and hard-wearing material and shall display the contact telephone number of the boarding establishment.
  4. The establishment must be operated in such a manner that it does not cause a statutory nuisance to occupiers of neighbouring properties.


  1. Dogs must live in the home as family pets.  There must be no external construction of buildings, cages or runs for boarded animals
  2. There must be adequate space, light, heat and ventilation for the dogs
  3. As far as reasonably practicable all areas/rooms within the home to which boarded dogs have access, must have no physical or chemical hazards that may cause injury to the dogs
  4. There must be sufficient space available to keep the dogs separately if required

Kitchen facilities

  1. Vermin proof containers must be provided for the storage of dry foods.  Uncooked food and the remains of opened tins must be stored in covered, non-metal, leak proof containers in the fridge
  2. All bulk supplies of food shall be kept in vermin proof containers.


  1. All areas where the dogs have access to including the kitchen etcetera must be kept clean and free from accumulations of dirt and dust and must be kept in such a manner as to be conducive to maintenance of disease control and dog comfort.
  2. All excreta and soiled material must be removed from all areas used by dogs at least daily and more often if necessary. Disposal facilities for animal waste must be agreed with the Licensing Authority.
  3. All bedding areas must be kept clean and dry.
  4. Facilities must be approved for the proper reception, storage and disposal of all waste. Particular care should be taken to segregate clinical waste arising from the first aid treatment and handling of dogs with infectious diseases. The final route for all such waste shall comply with current waste regulations.
  5. Measures must be taken to minimise the risks from rodents, insects and other pests within the premises.

Disease control

  1. Adequate precautions must be taken to prevent and control the spread of infectious and contagious disease and parasites amongst the dogs, staff and visitors.
  2. Proof must be provided that boarded and resident dogs have current vaccinations against canine distemper, infectious canine hepatitis, leptospirosis, kennel cough, canine parvovirus and other relevant diseases.  With the exception of where a bitch and her pups are boarded together the course of vaccination must have been completed at least four weeks before the first date of boarding or in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.  A record that this proof has been supplied must be kept on site throughout the period that the dog has boarded.
  3. Advice from a veterinary surgeon must be sought in case of signs of disease, injury or illness.  Where any dog is sick or injured, any instructions for its treatment which have been given by a veterinary surgeon must be strictly followed.
  4. It is recommended that boarders have medical insurance to cover most emergency medical problems.
  5. A well stocked first aid kit suitable for use on dogs must be available and accessible on site and in any vehicle used for transporting boarded dogs.
  6. The Licensee must be registered with a veterinary practice that can provide help and advice.  Where night time boarding is carried out registration should be with a 24 hour veterinary practice.  The clients own veterinary practice must be known and consulted if necessary.
  7. Precautions must be taken to prevent the spread of fleas, ticks, intestinal parasites and other parasites in both boarded and resident dogs.  A record must be maintained of all routine and emergency treatment for parasites.
  8. The premises shall be regularly treated for fleas and parasites with a veterinary recommended product.
  9. Cleaning substances must be suitable for the purpose and the cleaning substance and its fumes must pose no risk to the dogs.


  1. Dogs showing signs of any disease or illness shall be isolated from any other dogs until veterinary advice is obtained.  There must be sufficient facilities within the licensed premises to ensure effective separation of any sick animal.
  2. The Licensee must inform the licensing authority by the next working day on becoming aware that a dog has developed an infectious disease.
  3. Following an episode of infectious disease during any stay, the premises must undergo suitable cleaning and a reasonable quarantine period before new boarders are admitted.  This period will be specified by the licensing authority as agreed with their authorised veterinary surgeon.   A record must be maintained of each episode of infectious disease, together with details of the implemented quarantine period.
  4. The Licensing Authority must be informed by the next working day of any animal death on the premises.  The Licensee must make arrangements for the body to be stored under suitable conditions until the owner returns.

 Food and water supplies

  1. All dogs shall have an adequate supply of food as directed by the client.
  2. Fresh drinking water must be available at all times (unless advised otherwise by a veterinary surgeon) and drinking vessels cleaned at least once per day.
  3. Clients must be encouraged to provide each dog with its own clean bedding, bowls, grooming materials, etc.  If supplied these items must be cleaned regularly to prevent cross infection.  The Licensee should be able to provide extra bedding material as required.
  4. Where necessary, eating and drinking vessels must be provided, and where so, they must be capable of being easily cleansed and disinfected to prevent cross contamination.  They must also be maintained in a clean condition.  Feeding bowls must be cleaned or disponed of after each meal and each dog must be provided with its own bowl.


  1. A register must be kept of all dogs boarded.  The information kept must include the following:
    • Date and time of arrival
    • Name of dog, any identification system, such as microchip number or tattoo
    • Description, bread, age and gender of dog
    • Name, address and telephone number of owner or keeper
    • Name, address and telephone number of contact person whilst boarded
    • Name, address and telephone number of dog’s veterinary surgeon
    • Anticipated and actual date of departure
    • Proof of current vaccinations, medical history and requirements
    • Health, welfare, nutrition and exercise requirements
    • Date of last season for a bitch
    • Written agreement in respect of any emergency veterinary treatment
  1. The register shall be available for inspection at all reasonable times by an officer of the local authority or an authorised veterinary surgeon.
  2. The register must be kept readily available for a minimum period of two years and kept in such a manner as to allow an authorised officer easy access to such information.
  3. Details of any medication administered must be recorded including type of medication, quantity and time administered.
  4. Where records are computerised, a back-up copy must be kept.  The register must also be available to key members of staff of the establishment at all times.


  1. A fit and proper person over the age of 18 with relevant experience must be present to exercise supervision and deal with emergencies whenever dogs are boarded at the premises.
  2. Dogs must be visited at regular intervals, as necessary, for their health, safety and welfare and must not be left unattended for longer than three hours at a time and then not on a routine basis.
  3. No person under 16 years of age is permitted to walk boarded dogs in public places unless supervised by a fit and proper person.
  4. No child under 16 shall be left unaccompanied with boarded dogs at any time.
  5. If there is a resident dog within the household, the boarded dogs must be kept separated on the occasions when they are left unattended.


  1. A written training policy for staff must be provided.  Systematic training of staff must be demonstrated to have been carried out.

Fire/emergency precautions

  1. Appropriate steps must be taken for the protection of the dogs in case of fire or other emergencies.
  2. The occupier of the property must be aware of the location of the dogs in the property at all times.
  3. Fire detection and fire fighting equipment must be provided in accordance with general advice given by the Fire Safety Officer.
  4. All doors to rooms where dogs are boarded must be kept shut at night.
  5. All electrical installations and appliances must be maintained in a safe condition.  No unsupervised dog must be left in a room with loose or trailing cables or wires. 
  6. All heating appliances must be free of risk of fire as is reasonably practicable.  There must be no regular or routine use of free standing gas or oil appliances.
  7. Arrangements must be made whereby spare keys can be obtained to allow access to the premises in the event of an emergency, or alternatively, an emergency contact number shall be displayed in an obvious location at the premises.


  1. Dogs must be exercised in accordance with their owner’s wishes.  If dogs are taken off the premises, they must be exercised in such a manner as will ensure adequate control is maintained at all times.
  2. Where dogs are exercised off-premises, the number of dogs exercised at any one time by any one person shall be restricted to a number such as will enable the person exercising the dogs to immediately remove any faeces deposited by an animal being exercised to ensure compliance with the relevant provisions of the Dog Fouling (Scotland) Act 2003.
  3. There must be access to a suitable outside area.
  4. Any exercise/garden area of the premises to which the boarded dogs may have unrestricted access must be totally secure and safe.  Fencing must be adequate to offer security to prevent escape and be safe, with no dangerous sharp objects or protrusions.   Gates must be able to be locked.The Licensing Authority must be informed by the next working day if a dog is lost.


  1. All vehicles used by the establishment for the transportation of dogs must be regularly serviced and kept clean.  They must be fitted with secure cages of adequate size for the safe transportation of dogs and be provided with adequate ventilation.  All vehicles must be secure and should not be left unattended other than to drop off or pick up dogs.
  2. Journeys must be planned to minimise the time dogs spend in the vehicle.  On journeys likely to last more than 2 hours and during exceptionally hot days water must be available in the vehicle.
  3. The licence holder must provide a well stocked first aid kit suitable for use on dogs and available in all vehicles used.

Animal boarding (cats)

Licence display

  1. A copy of the licence and its conditions must be suitably displayed to the public in a prominent position in, on or about the boarding establishment.



  1. The establishment must, at all times, be laid out and operated in accordance with an approved plan, to be attached to the licence. Before carrying out any alterations, plans must be submitted to and approved by the Local Authority.
  2. All new units must be built on a concrete base with a damp-proof membrane to Building Regulation standards. The concrete floor should have a minimum fall of one in 80 towards a drainage channel located outwith the individual enclosure. The drainage channel should discharge into either the mains sewerage system, or into a collection chamber where solids can be removed for disposal and liquids can be further drained into a soakaway.
  3. All exterior wood must be smooth and properly treated against wood rot. Only products which are not toxic to cats may be used.
  4. All internal surfaces used in the construction of walls, floors, partitions, doors and door frames to be durable, smooth and impervious. There must be no projections or rough edges liable to cause injury.
  5. Sleeping areas of units must be so insulated as to prevent extremes of temperature.
  6. Fencing material must be secure and safe.
  7. The construction must be such that security of the cat is ensured.
  8. All areas to which cats have free access must be roofed.


  1. The walls with which cats may come into contact must be of smooth impervious materials, capable of being easily cleansed. Where concrete or other building blocks are used, they must be sealed to be as smooth, impervious and be resealed as necessary.
  2. Junctions between vertical and horizontal sections should be covered. If impractical in existing premises, these joints must be sealed.
  3. Full length sneeze barriers must be provided where the gap between units is less than 625 metres (2ft).

Floors and concrete bases

  1. The concrete base and floors of all buildings and units must be of smooth impervious materials, capable of being easily cleansed. In new catteries, this must incorporate a damp proof membrane.
  2. Floors of all units and individual exercise areas must be constructed and maintained in such a condition as to prevent pooling of liquids.

Ceilings and roofing

  1. Ceilings must be capable of being easily cleansed and disinfected.
  2. All exercise areas and the safety passage should be covered with mesh and impermeable material, a proportion of which must be translucent.


  1. Doors must be strong enough to resist impact and scratching and must be fitted to be capable of being effectively secured.
  2. Where metal edging is used, this must not present a risk of injury to the cat.
  3. Adequate constructional precautions must be taken to prevent and control the spread of infectious diseases particularly by droplet infection.


  1. All windows which pose a security risk must be escape proof at all times.


  1. Kitchens must be connected to mains drainage or an approved, localised sewage disposal system.


  1. During daylight hours light must be provided to exercise and sleeping areas so that all parts are clearly visible. Where practicable this must be natural light.
  2. Adequate supplementary lighting must be provided throughout the establishment.


  1. Ventilation must be provided to all interior areas without the creation of excessive, localised draughts in the sleeping area.

Number of animals

Number of cats permitted

  1. The maximum number of cats to be kept at any one time shall be as stated on the licence.
  2. Each cat must be provided with a separate unit except cats from the same household may share a unit of adequate size with written consent of the cat’s owner.
  3. Holding units may be provided for temporarily boarding a cat for not more than 24 hours. Existing holding units must have a minimum floor area of nine sq ft. In new construction the floor area must be a minimum of 12 sq ft. Holding units must have a minimum height of (0.9 metres) three ft.
  4. No animals other than cats are to be boarded within the licensed facilities without the written approval of the local authority.
  5. Where stray cats are accepted by the cattery, they must be kept in a separate area away from boarded cats.

Unit size, layout and exercise facilities

  1. In new construction each unit must have a sleeping area and an adjoining exercise area, which is exclusive to that unit.
  2. In new construction each unit must be provided with a sleeping area of at least 0.85 sq metres (nine sq ft) for one cat, 1.5 sq metres (16 sq ft) for two cats, 1.85 sq metres (20 sq ft) for up to four cats.
  3. Units may be designated as suitable for a specific number of cats, greater than four, at the discretion of the licensing authority.
  4. Units must have a minimum internal height of 1.8m (six ft).
  5. The height of the sleeping area must be at least three ft (91 cm) existing and four ft (1.22 metres) in new build.
  6. Suitable bedding must be provided which allows the cat to be comfortable and which is capable of being easily and adequately cleaned and disinfected. Such equipment must be sited out of draughts. Bedding material must be checked daily and must be maintained in clean, parasite free and dry condition.
  7. In new construction each unit must be provided with an exercise area of at least 1.7 sq metres (18 sq ft) for a single cat; 2.2 to three sq metres (24 sq ft) for two cats; 30 sq ft for up to four cats. 
  8. Units must be open onto secure corridors or other secure areas so that cats are not able to escape from the premises.
  9. Exercise areas must not be used as sleeping areas.
  10. There must be direct and voluntary access to the exercise area.



  1. A written training policy must be provided. Systematic training of staff must be demonstrated to have been carried out.

Temperature in units 

  1. Heating facilities must be available in the unit and used according to the requirements of the individual cat.
  2. There must be some part of the sleeping area where the cat is able to enjoy a temperature of at least 10 ºC (50 ºF).
  3. In isolation units there should be a means of maintaining the temperature at a level suitable for the condition of the cat and dependent on veterinary advice.


  1. All units, corridors, common areas, kitchens, etc. must be kept clean and free from accumulations of dirt and dust and must be kept in such a manner as to be conducive to maintenance of disease control and cat comfort.
  2. Each occupied unit must be cleansed daily.  All excreta and soiled material must be removed from all areas used by cats at least daily and more often if necessary.
  3. All bedding areas must be kept clean and dry.
  4. Suitably sited litter trays, which are easy to clean and impermeable, must be provided at all times. These must be emptied and cleansed at least once a day and if necessary at any time during the day if found to be unduly soiled. A suitable material for litter must be provided.
  5. Each unit must be thoroughly cleansed, disinfected and dried upon vacation. All fittings and bedding must also be thoroughly cleansed and disinfected at that time.
  6. Facilities must be provided for the proper reception, storage and disposal of all waste. Particular care should be taken to segregate clinical waste arising from the treatment and handling of cats with infectious diseases. A final disposal route for all such waste must be incineration.
  7. Measures must be taken to minimise the risks from rodents, insects and other pests within the establishment.

Food and water supplies

  1. All cats must be adequately supplied with suitable food. At least two meals a day must be offered at approximately eight hours apart. Wholesome water must be available at all times and changed daily. 
  2. Eating and drinking vessels must be capable of being easily cleansed and disinfected and must be maintained in a clean condition. Disposable eating dishes may be used.
  3. Eating vessels must be cleansed or disposed of after each meal.
  4. Drinking vessels must be cleansed at least once a day.

Kitchen facilities

  1. Exclusive facilities, hygienically constructed and maintained, must be provided for the storage and preparation of food for the cats.
  2. Where fresh and cooked meats are stored, refrigeration facilities must be provided, and food contamination must be avoided.
  3. A sink with hot and cold water must be provided for the washing of food equipment and eating and drinking vessels.  A separate washhand basin with hot and cold water must also be provided for staff use.
  4. Containers must be provided for the storage of foods and shall be so constructed and kept in such good order, repair and condition as to be proof against insects and other pests.

Disease control and vaccination

  1. Adequate precautions must be taken to prevent and control the spread of infectious and contagious disease and parasites amongst cats, staff and visitors.
  2. Proof must be provided that cats boarded or resident have current vaccinations against infectious feline enteritis, feline respiratory disease and other relevant diseases.  The course of vaccination must have been completed at least four weeks before the first date of boarding or in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. A record that this proof has been supplied and must be kept on site throughout the period that the cat is boarded.
  3. Advice for a veterinary surgeon must be sought in cases of signs of disease, injury of illness. Where any cat is sick or injured any instructions for its treatment which have been given by a veterinary surgeon must be strictly followed.
  4. It is recommended that boarders have medical insurance to cover most emergency medical problems.
  5. A well stocked first aid kit suitable for use on cats must be available and accessible on site.


  1. Isolation facilities must be provided.
  2. In existing catteries these isolation facilities must be in compliance with the other boarding requirements, but must be separate and physically isolated from the main units.  This must be a minimum of three metres (10 ft). 
  3. Adequate facilities to prevent the spread of infectious disease between the isolation unit and other units must be provided.
  4. Hands must be washed after leaving the isolation facilities before visiting the other units.


  1. A register must be kept of all cats boarded. The information kept must include the following:
    • date of arrival
    • name of cat, any identification system, such as microchip number or tattoo
    • description, breed, age and gender of cat
    • name, address and telephone number of owner or keeper
    • name, address and telephone number of contact person whilst boarded
    • name, address and telephone number of cat’s veterinary surgeon
    • anticipated and actual date of departure
    • health, welfare and nutrition requirements
  1. The register shall be available for inspection at all reasonable times by an officer of the local authority or an authorised veterinary surgeon.
  2. The register must be kept readily available for a minimum period of two years and kept in such a manner as to allow an authorised officer easy access to such information.
  3. Details of any medication administered must be recorded including type of medication, quantity and time administered.
  4. Where records are computerised, a back-up copy must be kept. The register must also be available to key members of staff of the establishment at all times.

Identification of units

  1. Each unit must be clearly marked (such as numbered) and a system in place which ensures that relevant information about the cat in that unit is readily available.


  1. A fit and proper person over the age of 18 must always be present to exercise the provision and deal with emergencies whenever cats are boarded at the premises.
  2. Cats must be visited at regular intervals, as necessary for their health, safety and welfare.

Fire/emergency procedures precautions

  1. Appropriate steps must be taken for the protection of the cats in case of fire or other emergencies.
  2. A proper emergency evacuation plan and fire warning procedure must be drawn up and posted on the premises. This must include instructions on where cats are to be evacuated to in the event of a fire or other emergency.
  3. Fire fighting equipment must be provided in accordance with advice given by the Fire Safety Officer.
  4. There must be adequate means of raising an alarm in the event of a fire or other emergency.
  5. Advice must be sought from the Safety Officer to ensure compliance with fire safety requirements.
  6. Precautions must be taken to prevent any accumulation which may present a risk of fire.
  7. All electrical installations and appliances must be maintained in a safe condition with no loose trailing cables.
  8. All heating appliances must be free of risk of fire as is reasonably practicable.
  9. The establishment must have a standard procedure in place for dealing with cats that have escaped.
  10. There must be a written emergency plan which must be on display and known to staff.

Contact Information


Licensing Board Administration
London Road
East Ayrshire
Telephone: 07557 168826