The Doon Valley Community Campus project will incorporate the existing:
- Doon Academy
- Dalmellington Primary School and Early Childhood Centre (inclusive of the respective secondary and primary supported learning centres)
- Doon Valley Leisure Centre (including swimming pool, fitness suite, dance studio and rehabilitation centre) and
- the award winning Dalmellington Area Centre, a shared services building hosting the health centre, civic and community space (marriage suite, meeting space), and office accommodation for local public services such as social services, housing and police services
Additional support needs
The project also provides a unique opportunity to create much needed Additional Support Needs accommodation for local young people. It is anticipated that improvements to external areas will include:
- soft landscaping
- natural play features/growing areas (aligned with the appropriate guidelines such as Learning Through Landscapes and Space to Grow) and
- an external teaching zone
Place-based approach
A place-based approach is at the heart of the Doon Valley Community Campus project.
It provides a unique opportunity to improve local outcomes by co-ordinating and integrating local services to support communities, and progress the public sector reform agenda of inclusion, wellbeing and sustainability, whilst also delivering local outcomes in terms of community empowerment and wealth building, resilient recovery and building positive destinations.
The project also aims to make dramatic improvements in the way health and care services are delivered across Ayrshire by working collaboratively to support the Caring for Ayrshire Transformational Change Programme, led by NHS Ayrshire and Arran and the three Ayrshire Integration Joint Boards.
Current design proposals
The current design proposals are available to view below:
Planning application
The planning application is available to view at ePlanning: Doon Academy.
Public drop in events
The first public drop in event took place on Wednesday 22 February 2023, and a final drop in event on Wednesday 19 April 2023, both at Dalmellington Community Centre, 38 Ayr Rd, Dalmellington, Ayr KA6 7SJ.
Details of the current design proposal were available to view and discuss with members of the project team. Those who attended both events had the opportunity to have their comments recorded.
Consultation responses
The formal Pre-application Consultation Report is being prepared and will be submitted as part of the planning application. Here are some examples of feedback from the February and April consultations:
- "I love the new one today (22 February 2023). Much better, inviting, safer. Increased potential for outdoor activities in the community market etc."
- "Keep the new nursery building (Early Years) & make use of it for another local project."
- "Generally a good building. Reservations about the 3-storey height of the building. Also concerns around primary classes being on first floor."
- "Concerns about accessibility of health centre out of hours. Concerns about parking during demolition staff car park out of use. Staff parking further from health centre in plans - difficult for equipment etc. for staff."
- "The proposals fitted all needs that were asked of additional meeting."
Please note all representations must be sent to East Ayrshire Council’s Facilities and Property Management Section and not East Ayrshire Council Planning Authority.
An opportunity to make representations to East Ayrshire Council Planning Authority will present itself when a formal planning application is made.