Priorities | How we will achieve this |
Manage our financial resources to ensure that our services are financially sustainable into the future and that we continue to use our resources wisely
- Develop and implement the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy
- Ensure key strategic decisions on the allocation and deployment of resources are made within the appropriate financial context, with due regard to levels of risk and reward
Improve service delivery, innovation and design by empowering front line teams and the communities we serve and ensuring that early intervention and prevention are at the heart of what we do
- Invest resources effectively, efficiently and on a sustainable basis, with an ongoing focus on securing efficiencies across the Council
- Target resources towards early intervention and prevention, which will in time, lower costs and establish even more effective and powerful services, through an early intervention and prevention fund
Lead the way in community power, ensuring individuals and communities have more control over decisions that will affect their lives and more say in what we do and how we do it
- Review arrangements for locality planning and develop recommendations for future locality planning in East Ayrshire
- Offer communities the opportunity to create their first community led action plans to reflect local priorities and support other communities to develop second generation five year plans
Build on new ways of working, based on what has worked well, including evaluating new service models and learning lessons from coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Recognise the impact of digital poverty and ensure there is a focus on digital access, literacy, numeracy and inter-personal skills via community based learning for all age groups
- Utilise learning and good practice from the pandemic to deepen collaboration and partnership working and strengthen place and systems based working across East Ayrshire
Deliver place-making and local place plans and build more resilient, fairer, healthier and stronger communities and places
- We will adopt Local Place Plans prepared by community bodies within East Ayrshire as supplementary guidance to the Local Development Plan
Respond to public sector reform in Scotland, including proposals for a National Care Service and Education, ensuring that East Ayrshire is best placed to lead and develop change
- Contribute to consultation and engagement, ensuring that East Ayrshire’s voice is heard and that our experience and strong performance informs reform
- Identify opportunities to further share East Ayrshire’s experience with key decision makers
Identify new opportunities to further develop collaborative commissioning, new contract arrangements and support for social enterprises with the third sector, independent care sector and community partners
- Understand the impact we have on the people/families we are supporting and learn how to do better, building even better relationships as a community of providers
- Develop and diversify contract management arrangements and support for social enterprises
- Promote access to community wealth building funding for community initiatives to increase resilience, promote innovation and strengthen community power, recognising the valued contribution to wellbeing by communities, the third sector and independent care sector
Continue to place our workforce and workforce development at the heart of our approach and ensure we have effective leadership and the right people, with the right skills in the right place at the right time
- Develop and Implement the Council’s Workforce Planning Strategy
- Enhanced focus on succession planning, including an increase in the number of apprenticeships
Ensure that our Capital Investment Programme: Building a Future East Ayrshire continues to reflect our priorities and that we have safe, sustainable and efficient assets that meet the needs of existing and future users and communities
Drive improvements in the use of data, including data quality and timelines and use of data skills
- Make better use of data to inform decision making and ensure that in times of increasing demand and diminishing resources, we continue to target resource to greatest effect in improving outcomes and tackling inequality
- Identify and highlight where inequalities exist between communities in East Ayrshire to inform our future approach to locality based planning
Impact assess our policies, strategies, functions and plans and take into account the needs, experiences, circumstances and barriers that different people and groups in our communities face
- Analyse the effects of existing and new policies and practices on equality
- Highlight and enhance both the intended and unintended positive effects, to eliminate any discriminatory effects and to remove or minimise any negative impacts