Priorities | How we will achieve this |
Support the development and implementation of the Ayrshire Regional Economic Strategy
- Approve and deliver an Ayrshire Regional Economic Strategy
- Continue to strengthen regional partnership working
- Attract more private sector investment into East Ayrshire, providing projects that generate jobs and wealth for communities
- Ensure continued focus on tourism
Maximise the opportunities arising from the Ayrshire Growth Deal
Support local businesses to thrive and grow
- Continue to provide support to new and existing businesses through council programmes and Business Gateway
- Support sector based workstreams, including food and drink, clean growth, visitor economy, digital and skills
- Review of existing business support model in Ayrshire to ensure that the same level of support is provided to businesses regardless of their location
- Enable local businesses to take advantage of public sector procurement opportunities, helping to increase their competitiveness nationally and internationally
Promote Community Wealth Building and Fair Work
- Support a regional approach to Community Wealth Building (CWB) and ensure that CWB is considered as part of regional investments
- Support the Working for a Healthy Economy project, ensuring that health and wellbeing is linked into CWB
- Support social enterprises and the third sector to provide facilities and employment and deliver inclusive economic growth
- Promote the dimensions of Fair Work within local workplaces with the aim of achieving the ambition of Kilmarnock to become a Fair Work Town by 2025
Promote access to employment and training programmes
- Work with partners on the development of a Regional Skills Investment Plan to identify skills demand and supply requirements for Ayrshire
- Support employability interventions that will assist unemployed residents access the labour market
- Support trade apprenticeships, modern apprenticeships and graduate intern placements across Council services
Continue to promote and develop community led regeneration
- Support communities to create and implement their community led action plans, reflecting their local priorities
- Work alongside communities to deliver placemaking and local place plans which set out proposals for the development of land and assets
- Support implementation of Regeneration Capital Grant Fund projects
- Agree and implement town centre regeneration strategy and projects
Invest in new, sustainable transport infrastructure that improves the transport network, public transport and accessibility, particularly in our rural communities
- Finalise and implement the Active Travel Strategy
- Develop the electric vehicle charging infrastructure across East Ayrshire
- Agree next steps once outcome of levelling up fund bid for Bellfield Interchange investment is known
- Support the development of a Regional Transport Appraisal which will underpin investment in accessibility and connectivity
Continue to ensure that young people are prepared for the world of work via a relevant, engaging and inclusive school and Early Childhood Centre (ECC) curriculum, complemented by meaningful vocational experiences and opportunities
- Maintain our emphasis on improving the attainment gap and achievement outcomes for children and young people, in particular, care experienced young people and those looked after at home
- Ensure all vulnerable young people secure a positive destination when leaving school, such as employment and further education and are supported into adulthood
- Support the employability training needs of unemployed young people and school learners, at risk of disengagement, through SL33 and SL66