Priorities | How we will achieve this |
Protect and improve health and wellbeing, to help people live longer, healthier lives at home or in a homely setting
- Ensure that wellbeing remains a central focus for action and activity across services, partnerships and communities, with an emphasis on practical, community-led responses
- Support the adoption of a whole system approach to diet, healthy weight and physical activity across local partnerships
Embed a place-based and multi-disciplinary approach to the planning and delivery of community wellbeing programmes, supports and initiatives, including Technology Enabled Care
- Maximise opportunities for collaboration and joint working with people, families and carers to achieve their outcomes
- Maximise the continued use of technology and maintain services to local people and families
- Ensure services are accessible, available and provide face-to-face support with safeguarding in place
Support communities to address the impact that inequalities have on the health and wellbeing of our residents
- Provide further opportunities for local leadership on community health and wellbeing through locality groups, as place-based decision making delivery networks
- Implement targeted interventions to deliver support to people who are unable to access mainstream services
Transform how we support adults and older people through a shared commitment to human rights based service redesign, delivery and practice
- Older people and adults who require support and their families and carers are included and empowered to live the healthiest life possible
- Developing aligned service redesign in day opportunities for older people, local residential services for adults and across prevention and early intervention programmes and initiatives
Promote and develop self-management approaches to mental health and wellbeing
- Promote self-management for good mental health and wellbeing through person-centred, community led responses
Continue to support suicide prevention activity, through local prevention and early intervention activities
- Promote and support local and national suicide prevention programmes
- Work collaboratively with communities, partners and recovery networks to reduce suicide rates and address the stigma associated with suicide and mental health
Continue to progress partnership actions on social isolation and loneliness, including supporting communities to build positive social networks and connections
- Work with partners and communities to create and sustain connections across all age groups
- Provide opportunities that build positive social networks and connections to mitigate the impact of social isolation and loneliness
Address the stigma and discrimination faced by people in recovery from addiction including alcohol, gambling and drug use and improve access to treatment services and community supports
- Engage with partners to develop innovative, creative and community led approaches to prevent drug-related deaths
- Support implementation of the Alcohol and Drug Partnership Drug Death Action Plan
Support transformational change in health and social care as part of the Caring for Ayrshire Programme and deliver the right care, in the right place, as close to home as possible
Adopt the Scottish Approach to Service Design to understand the needs of our citizens, workforce and stakeholders and create opportunities through a range of perspectives and collaboration in redesign solutions
Continue place-based redesign work and implement place-based models of care
Continue to develop and expand our wellbeing supports for young people including therapeutic interventions and school counselling
Transform how we support child and family wellbeing through a shared commitment to the emerging integrated Children’s Services Delivery Model – Help Everyone At the Right Time (HEART)
Transform how we care for our children and young people through a shared commitment to the recommendations of the Independent Care Review and #KeepThePromise
Achieve step change from trauma-aware to trauma-responsive service design, delivery and practice