The Young People, Sport and Diversion Team at Vibrant Communities provide a variety of different activities that keep our young people:
- active and healthy by participating in sport or physical activity
- active in decisions about things that affect them
- active members of our communities
The youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow
Nelson Mandela
Sport and physical activity
East Ayrshire's sports clubs are by far the best way for children and young people to participate and achieve in sport. We support around 80 voluntary sports clubs covering more than 20 different sports such as athletics, boxing, cricket to name a few.
To find out more about sports clubs visit Sports Council.
StreetSport programme
The StreetSport programme offers free opportunities for young people aged 10 to 18 years to take part in sports activities including football, basketball, golf and fitness.
Bank of Scotland Midnight Leagues
The Bank of Scotland Midnight Leagues offer free football for all 12 to 18-year-olds in seven locations throughout East Ayrshire and mostly take place on a Friday night under the lights!
Mobile skatepark
It's all about the wheels and the mobile skatepark has its very own set of them. Because we're mobile we can set up our two tables, flat banks, quarter pipes, kicker and grind rails practically anywhere.
We also have:
- helmets
- knee pads
- elbow pads
- wrist guards
- a stock of skateboards
All Ability sport and physical activity programme
All Ability is our sport and physical activity programme for children and adults with physical, sensory or learning difficulties. This is sport without boundaries - give it a try.
Active Schools
Active Schools co-ordinators work in all school clusters to make sure pupils have opportunities to remain active throughout their school career and beyond.
Youth clubs and activities
Community based youth groups
We offer community based youth groups throughout East Ayrshire which range from transition groups for those in Primary 6 to 1st year; 11+; 16+ and a number of mobile youth activity programmes.
LGBT+ development
LGBT+ development give support, advice and guidance to young people, parents and carers around LGBT+ issues.
Culture clubs
Culture clubs are for 11 to 25 years and can help young people understand issues that affect them and their community. We can give training on presentation skills, help gain confidence and build self-esteem.
Youth action team
The Youth Action Team have youth activity workers who are deployed to help in areas where young people have been the cause of complaints from local people and encourage them to take up more positive activities.
Contact us if you think we can help.
Events calendar
Visit Events happening in East Ayrshire to find out when and where the above activities are taking place.
Youth achievement
Duke of Edinburgh Award
Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) is the world’s leading youth achievement award, giving millions of 14 to 24-year-olds the opportunity to be the very best they can be. There are three levels of programme you can do which, when successfully completed, lead to a Bronze, Silver or Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.
To find out where your nearest DofE Centre is running, or find out about groups in your area, contact us on the number below and start your adventure today
National Youth Achievement and Dynamic Youth Awards
National Youth Achievement and Dynamic Youth Awards are nationally recognised award programmes levelled against the Scottish Credit Qualifications Framework (SCQF) at levels 3 to 7.
The award programmes provide a framework to recognise the personal development of young people including the development of their leadership skills.
If you’re involved in any kind of voluntary work in your community contact us to find out how you could earn this qualification at the same time!
Youth voice
Children and Young People's Cabinet
The Children and Young People's (CYP) Cabinet is for young people aged between 11 and 25 who act as a democratic voice on behalf of all young people living, working or in education in East Ayrshire.
They meet with the Council Cabinet and Community Planning Partnership throughout the year and work with the Chief Financial Officer and Head of Finance and ICT to ensure young people are included in the budget making decision processes.
They have a request form for any organisation or service to request attendance (PDF 492Kb) at their meetings, or a separate meeting where required.
Please read our introduction for new members below.
Introduction for new members
East Ayrshire Children and Young People’s Cabinet ensure that young people of East Ayrshire are given a voice on any issue that affects them and as laid out in The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Article 12 (Respect for the views of the child).
When adults are making decisions that affect children, children have the right to say what they think should happen and have their opinions taken into account.
The youth representatives in the Youth Cabinet include the three members of Youth Parliament. All the young people have expressed a willingness and commitment to be involved in Youth Cabinet’s activities in representing the voice of young people in East Ayrshire.
Some of the young people represent their school, student councils or specific groups, for example:
- children in care
- young carers
- voluntary and statutory youth organisations
- college and university
- looked after and accommodated children (LAAC)
- shared needs groups
All young people are aged between 11 and 25 years, and must live, work or study in East Ayrshire.
What the Youth Cabinet do
Their role is to represent young people's interests, views and concerns at meetings and events with councillors and representatives from the East Ayrshire Council Cabinet and Community Planning Partnership.
As well as this, they work on projects which aim to improve situations and solve problems that affect young people.
The Youth Cabinet acts as a voice for the views and opinions of young people across East Ayrshire. It does this by:
- identifying what young people think about various issues, what they feel is important and what they would like to see done
- informing young people of the different services, groups and opportunities available to them
- involving young people in decisions that affect them and in the development of services and activities that exist for them
- influencing others to encourage them to listen to young people and respond to their needs and wishes
- campaigning on important issues to try to bring about change or improvements for the benefit of young people
- promoting positive images of young people and highlighting the contribution they make to the community
- supporting young people to be happy, healthy and safe and help them to achieve their full potential and have fun
Youth Cabinet members have the responsibility to uphold the following ethos and principles:
- East Ayrshire Children and Young People’s Cabinet does not represent any party political view
- the members have a duty towards the young people they represent
- every young person has the right to have his/her view heard and listened to
- Cabinet members should respect and listen to the views of others, challenging discrimination and promoting equal opportunities
- East Ayrshire Children and Young People’s Cabinet is a safe space where young people feel free to be able to express their own opinions
Expectations are as follows:
- it is important that Youth Cabinet members take their role and duty seriously when representing the Youth Cabinet
- they must attend Cabinet meetings and support as many other meetings and events as possible
- they must maintain contact with other Youth Cabinet members and the Vibrant Communities Worker responsible for the Cabinet by responding to emails, texts, telephone calls and letters
Roles within Youth Cabinet
Chair and Vice Chair
- Annual elections are carried out to decide upon these roles
- The Chair is in control of the meeting, facilitating discussions, enabling all young people and adults to have an opportunity to give their view
- The Chair ensures that all agenda items are fully discussed, keeping an eye on time constraints, with the Chair remaining impartial in all round table discussions
MSYPs and the Youth Cabinet
This representation ensures that we are fully informed about campaigns, activities and events across the nation for the promotion of positive change to improve the life experiences of young people.
Purpose of the Youth Cabinet
The purpose of the Youth Cabinet is to:
- discuss issues and put forward young people’s views to councillors and decision makers
- be used as a consultation forum on decisions affecting young people
- create a network for young people to voice and share their ideas
- campaign, where required
- address issues, debate and take action
- provide a voice for young people, improve representation and a new perspective on ideas
- improve the lives of young people
- have a wide representation of young people across the authority, including all schools and youth organisations
- be involved in consultations
- contribute ideas and use their own voice to represent other views
- have a healthy working relationship with the council officials and elected members
- have a Youth Cabinet bank account – apply for funding
- fundraise
- link with local forum young people
Local Area Youth Forums
Local Area Youth Forums are platforms that provide young people the opportunity to put their views across, supporting the young person’s rights as well as encouraging active, responsible citizens. The forums inspire young people to feel empowered to actively make change happen in their local community as well as the wider Council. Contact us to find out more.
Scottish Youth Parliament
The Scottish Youth Parliament (SYP) is the democratically elected voice of Scotland’s young people. They are a young people’s parliament, designed by young people, led by young people for the benefit of young people.
Every two years, Vibrant Communities coordinate the SYP Elections. Within East Ayrshire there are three members of the SYP supported by the Young People, Sport and Diversion Team.
Your Member of the Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYP) is always keen to hear from you and to find out your views on whatever the topic of the day is. Email your local MSYP to share your views or concerns or visit the Scottish Youth Parliament website.
Young Scot
Young Scot operates a free and confidential phone service. The service offers information on a range of topics including money, health, the arts, as well as answering questions such as 'How do I get my first passport?'